Nothing to draw me out of lurking like a coupla music memes. X3
Both lovingly stolen from
nepenthes2969 1) Post your top fifteen bands/artists, the first song you heard of theirs, the song that made you fall in love, and your current favorite.
1) L'Arc~en~Ciel (DURR)
First heard: READY STEADY GO (I'm so ashamed ><)
Converted by: Mm...there were so many...maybe "HEAVEN'S DRIVE"
Current fave: DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS.....aaaaaagh, fine: It's the End. But it changes weekly.
First heard: Hello
Converted by: Angel's Tale
Current fave: IT'S SAD (Angel's Tale is still up there too)
3) Koda Kumi
First heard: Real Emotion
Converted by: one
Current fave: Sweet Kiss
4) Utada Hikaru
First heard: Automatic (Johnny Vicious Remix)
Converted by: Movin' on Without You
Current Fave: This is Love
5) m-flo
First heard: The Love Bug (m-flo loves BoA)
Converted by: A.D.D.P. (m-flo loves Monday Michiru)
Current fave: A.D.D.P.
6) Namie Amuro
First heard: Namie's Style
Converted by: Fish
Current fave: Put 'Em Up
7) acid android
First heard: perpetual motion
Converted by: switch
Current fave: Chill
8) Janne da Arc
First heard: Lunatic Gate
Converted by: Maria no Tsumeato
Current fave: Maria no Tsumeato
9) John Legend
First heard: Get Lifted
Converted by: Number 1
Current fave: Alright
First heard: D.D.D. (w/ Koda Kumi)
Converted by: Got to Leave
Current fave: Fiesta
First heard: Rewrite
Converted by: Re:Re
Current fave: Tobenai Sakana
12) Dave Matthews Band
First heard: Satellite
Converted by: Two Step
Current fave: The Stone
13) TETSU69
First heard: Tightrope
Converted by WHITE OUT
Current fave: REVERSE
14) Yoko Kanno
First heard: Tank!
Converted by: Piano Black
Current fave: Want it All Back
15) Koji Kondo (okay I'm kinda cheating here, but he's a composer--it almost counts)
First heard: Legend of Zelda Theme :)
Converted by: Zelda's Lullaby
Current fave: Zora's Theme (Ocarina of Time)
2) Reply with a comment to this entry; I'll give you a letter of the alphabet, and you find five songs on your iPod/playlist that start with that letter and post them to your journal.
Ne-chan bestowed upon me the letter "G", so here I go:
1) Garasu Dama - L'Arc~en~Ciel I wonder if there's a Laruku song in my iPod for every letter of the alphabet...except "Q"....and maybe "X". Anyway, it's the best song off of Heavenly, so good choice.
2) Get Over - Sowelu One of the few songs I can stand by Sowelu. And her vocals are grating in some spots here, too. But it has its moments.
3) Get On! - m-flo loves Crystal Kay Funky, almost salsa-like beat with tri-lingual rapping by VERBAL. m-flo does it again.
4) GIRL TALK - Namie Amuro Part of Namie's new (i.e., within the last two years) hip-hop style...I just like the part when she says her girlfriends dish with each other "Sex in the City mitai ni". American TV is everywhere, baby.
5) gimme a guitar - S.O.A.P. One of about three SOAP tracks in my playlist; I've heard it many times and I still don't understand about 85% of the Engrish. Poor Ken.
I think I'm supposed to upload the files for those, aren't I? Oops. Well, I don't have them here anyway, but ask if there's anything you want and I'll try to oblige.
I'm a day late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
katana28!!!! (and of course, to Z as well.....)