
Oct 03, 2010 21:44

So. The thing about not having two seconds to rub together since January is that I literally haven't watched TV since January. Until last weekend. Which, in a way, was good. I had *ahem* acquired all the episodes of a summer show I was interested in and watched all but the season finale (ends on a cliff-hanger and haven't decided whether or not I ( Read more... )

fic: related, computer game: kingdoms of camelot, tv: covert affairs, tv: nikita, tv: human target, book: morgan kingsley, fic challenge: origfic_bingo, tv: blue bloods, tv: castle, computer game: castle age, tv: criminal minds, computer game: civilization, tv: hawaii five-o, tv: no ordinary family, tv: undercovers, tv: $#*! my dad says, tv: csi:ny, tv: lost girl, fic challenge: au_bingo, tv: rizzoli and isles

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Comments 2

effie214 October 4 2010, 03:59:09 UTC
Ack, so much to talk about! I LURVES IT.

I am SO MFING WITH YOU on: "Undercovers" (Gerald McRaney. In the pilot. BRB, still laughing.); "Hawaii" (seriously did not make it five minutes in, sorry former vampire on tv dude when that apparently wasn't in fashion); "Nikita" (I gasped aloud at the end of episode 1...and very happily ship Nikita/Michael. What. The. F. Ever. Brain.); "Rizzoli and Isles" (to an extent; I love the girls, but yeah, the constant misogynistic "Jane needs a man" makes me roll my eyes and fast forward to the next interesting part) and "Criminal Minds," though we haven't gotten to the latest ep yet, because I just cannot DEAL. I don't know if I'll EVER be able to deal minus AJ (DEFINITELY not minus Paget), so that may be an addition "Kris Watches This Without Me" list ( ... )


zeldaophelia October 6 2010, 01:21:21 UTC
Eeeee!!!!! I loved Gerald McRaney on Undercovers. The way he is so dry with them just makes me giggle every time. And this morning I had someone on my flist post about how much she loved H5-0 and I was like 'really? Maybe I'll give it a third ep after all'. (Then I remembered our tastes are pretty different - she's all about the male characters and I'm all about the female characters. But I'll give another ep a try ( ... )


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