Hey hey! Fun fact! Our apartment complex has heated water lines! Only.... if you don't pay your electric bill some jean-ass shots off ALL your power. Wanna hear how I found out?
Well lis'ee here kiddies. I was up gaming online late with a pal in Washington. Go to bed.... ohh..... 6 a.m.
Chill, no work till 4:30 p.m. and mornings be boring.
Well guess what? I wake up, say..... 11 am? Mom's shouting like crazy and someone's runnign bath water.
I open my door and guess what? The ceiling is the fucking faucet and the apartment is the tub! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY! Four hours of sleep and then the sky falls down! Great, chipper, happy Mike! You know me without food in my stomache? I get cold fast! And not just pissy.... I bite your god be damned head off and chew it up!
After wading in almost 2 inch deep bathroom water to dump a mounstrous bucket in the tub, I walk out and, well go figure, the carpet is soaked and theres water all the way from the ceiling to the outlets to an inch on the floor. Tha'z right kiddies! Possible live voltage between me and sweet sweet food.
After basically shutting off the power in the house via fuse box I call work and say "My apartments a swimming pool! Wanna come play? 'Cuz I'm not making it in today!"
What is the first two letters I hear? "No." That'z right kiddos. That wonderful gentleman of a dog's pubic hair tried to tell me that, no matter what I think, I AM in fact coming in.
I tried reasoning. Really did. Then I handed mother dearest the phone so she could try wrath. Hmmmmmm. Nope. Got the phone back and went, "Don't give a damn, I'm not coming in." And hung that bitch right up.
Did I get a nasty voicemail? Why yes indeed I did.
Can't help but count my money and notice. Hmmmmmm. I can get my clothes, 360, and computer back to Washington. AND, since I already have the plane ticket, all I need left over is 100 bucks to get my cat on the plane too.
Well golly gee be durned. I do so hope someone so much as begins to throw a fit when I walk in, 'cuz I'm not dealing with that shit. No-sir-rie. Since I found out mum DIDN'T know how to work a fuze box she could have een electrified! How exhilerating! Yet since I have "responsibilities" I'm supposed to up and ditch her there and let her figure it out.
If that muther fucker so much as peeps at me, he better find someone to cover his shit for the rest of the week cuz I ain't doin' it. -.- Ka-peaches?
After.... I dunno....3 hours? Someone finally comes down from the ehad office and busts out a 4 cylinder vaccuum and soaks most of it up. We've got heavy duty fans sitting in here, and, if I forgot to mention, bastard decided that my bathroom wasn't worth saving...
Litter boxes are now in the closet near my bed, cats be too afraid to elave the room, and I'm probably getting my butt out lof a job in.......... 13.5 hours.
Welp. It can only get uglier before it gets better, right?