/raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage/ My day was great until this last our. My laptop gave me the blue screen of death for what's probably the 6th time this week. So now I'm looking up how to fix it. The blue screen says it's probably a software issue, and to delete anything new I put on, so there goes twirl and CDisplay...
Also, my 4 year old ipod is slowly kicking the bucket. I really hope my new phone has MP3 compatibility, cause I can't ask for a new phone AND a new ipod :/ Even if I would just be getting an 8GB Nano...
I remember when Nanos were 2GB and only black and white...
Better yet I remember the Mini series...I still have mine. It's dead as dead can be.
So yeah, I have to work my ass off to fix how my life is falling apart...
In slightly better news I'm going to AAC. Dad is letting me earn my cosplay stuff. Finishing Yoko is priority right now seeing as Anna is making me the costume. So it's time to go wig and boot shopping =D Even though I think I've had them picked out since like this winter >.>
I also need a few cans of black spray paint...and a strap...and to find my stockings. Maybe I should get a Boota, too.
I wonder if Gerry is still doing Kamina. Probably not by AAC though. Maybe AB?
Anywho, I'm off to window shop and add things to my ebay watchlist!