
May 27, 2009 22:10

so i'm en route to chi-town, chilling in this huge 18 wheeler with this elderly trucker dude. I feel 100% safe, he's a total gentleman, we've been listening to old funk music an he tells me stories of past people he's picked up(insaaane), everything is going good, until hundreds of miles in he changes the radio station to something that's like " ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

rainefayce May 30 2009, 14:37:16 UTC
that's sad that he feels like he needs to cover it up ):


nifties May 31 2009, 20:14:19 UTC

can't he tell by your haircolour etc. that you wouldn't have any probs with fags? haha, maybe he's worried you'll let slip to someone when he stops to unload.

tehehe. have fun in chicagoland!!


agalmatophiliac May 31 2009, 22:26:43 UTC
Omg lol, I just went to gaytruckers.com
If you're in the midwest, come see meeeee~
Please ;__;?


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