I hereby interrupt your usual programming to bring you this important announcement.
My grandma turns 100 next month. That's right, 100. On the 10th. And she is awesome. She still lives in the same house she raised my dad and uncles in and would mow the lawn if they didn't pull the spark plugs from the mower and hide all the hedge trimmers.
In short, she's got 99 problems years and doesn't afraid of anything.
And she'll be 100, holy crapski. So my Dad had an idea. We're throwing a surprise party for her, and he wanted to be able to present her with a lot of cards. I mean a lot of cards.
So, if you're willing, I would be super-de-duper grateful if anyone wanted to send her a card.
If you don't want to send a card, fear not! There is a more different way of contributan if you feel up to it. :3
We also have this toll free number thing where you can call and leave a message that's up to a half hour long. It's free, like I said, and you could call as many times as you want. Heh. Heh. Nothing raunchy or whatever - she's gonna be 100, remember, and the whole fambly will be able to listen to these - but I think it could be fun to try. I'm probably going to leave her at least a handful of them. All the messages will get downloaded and burned onto a CD so she can listen when she wants. :3
ALSO UH. Might want to mention that you're a friend of Lindsay's somewhere on the card or in the recording. Yes, that's my real name.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to send a birthday card to the following address so it will arrive before the weekend after the big day (11/10).
Ethel Savage
c/o Richard Savage
1308 E Grove St
Bloomington, IL 61701
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do the following:
1) Call
LifeOnRecord at 1-800-606-0697 by 11/04/11, whenever you can think of something good. :3 Callers outside the US and Canada can use the phone number 847-943-2021, but I don't think that one's toll-free.
2) When prompted, enter your Invitation Number: 11806.
3) Record your message after the tone. When you've finished recording, you can either hang up or press the # key to review your message and possibly alter it. :D
4) ????
But seriously. If you'd like to join in with this, I'd be really grateful. If you don't want to send a card or don't feel comfortable calling, that's also cool. No pressure, no worries. I'm just super excited to be able to attend my grandma's 100th birthday party (even though I will have to drive 400 miles each way to do it).
Here's a little more about my grandma.
She lived through the Depression. Her maiden name is Small. She and my grandpa raised my rowdy dad and his two extra rowdy brothers in Normal, IL, and she worked as a cook at the local hospital for over 30 years. She's an amazing cook (omg chicken and dumpling soup yes please). We always wanted to spend the night at her house because she would let us do whatever we wanted. In fact, we would call her first before asking parental permission and use that as leverage. "Grandma said it was okay!!!" When I was in high school, the newspaper ran a picture of her shovelling her walk on the front page and my dad and his brothers didn't hear the end of it for years, letting her do that. A few years ago, after they pulled the spark plugs from the mower, Dad went over there since she wasn't answering her phone, to find her on her hands and knees in the garden with a hedge trimmer, cutting the grass.
This woman is reallly badass. She's always been there for all of us, ready with a hot bowl of soup, a hug, and some quiet time just to spend together. I want to be her when I grow up. Nothing phases her, nothing at all. She's tough and amazing and wonderful in all the ways.
So, thank you in advance. I really, really appreciate it.