Title: Just Conflict Me
Pairing: Seifer/Hayner
Disclaimer: KH isn't mine, isn't mine.
Rating: NC-17. And yes, I do mean in this chapter too.
Summary: Sometimes, Hayner presses into his own bruises just to feel the little sweet burst it gives him. Sometimes, Seifer does it for him. Most of the time, Seifer just gives him the bruises to begin with.
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Comments 16
I'm sorry to leave it at such a terrible point, honestly, becuse it's not done, and this part is going to be super-crucial to the rest of that happenings! *hughug* I try my best to deliver masochism fic on holidays, what can I say. ^^
I honestly love how you ended it! I love painful, shocking cliffhangers. Can't wait to see the rest! akjsrkalser /clings to you ♥
I love Marly. Him and Dem get paired with everyone in KH, they're so fluid. I've never seen him paired with Hayner, but goddamn he would be a sadist, he would, and now I'm so excited that it hurts.
In summation: ajdnspanshducnsosudnckfywbapamdjcu hnnnnnnnnnnnngh more more more
<3<3<3<3<3 ilu so much bb <3
Marly is the shit when it comes to kinky people I can toss in with everyone. I needed someone who liked being in control. And Hayner needs someone who... well. You'll see. ^^
♥♥♥♥♥♥ ILU2 BB so much you don't even know *hughughug*
You had to make this story awesome.
Couldn't spot any typos, and this story made me fangirl so much inside. Keep up the good work!
"It barely eases at the constant contact his friends are giving him -and Hayner has never been a tactile person, but this is just too much to handle without grounding himself on someone else and Pence and Olette have always been so solid."
But the parenthesis can be used to separate whole sentances instead of just part of them. It's mostly just a stylistic thing that I found I really like.
Thank you for the comments and notes!
Personally, the dashes are far more awesome. Idk what's with us people who get side tracked with parenthesis vs dashes; we are a particular brand of crazy. Please forgive us
PS, i WAS thinking school on the male bonding bit. Probably due to how RANDOM and violent (not rly) that scene was/how we are irl. har har :)
Anyways, hope you update soon!
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