Как я сегодня одет:
Футболка, джинсы, тапочки на босу ногу, а вот наш
To maintain Motorola's professional image and standing, all members of Motorola Moscow are expected to conform to certain dress standards as laid out below. Only business formal and business casual styles are acceptable at all times in the office.
I. Examples of formal business attire includes:
- Business suit,
- Business dresses and skirts;
- Daywear which is professional, formal and in neutral colours
II. Examples of business casual attire includes:
- Suits, dresses, tailored trousers / pants;
- Shirt / golf shirts with collars, blouses;
- Sweaters, blazers, jumpers;
- Business shoes/loafer type shoes.
Jeans are acceptable only on Fridays throughout the year unless you have business meeting.
III. Unacceptable attire includes:
- Sportswear,
- Evening wear,
- Shorts;
- Halter-neck dresses / blouses;
- Tee-shirts, see-through blouses,
- Provocative attire,
- Short skirts (shorter then 10 centimeters above knees),
- Clothes in poor condition.
If in doubt about standards of dress, please refer to your manager.
Please, do use your best judgment and good taste, and do remember that people may judge Motorola based on our appearance.
... Но как же замечательно ходить по офису в шлепанцах!!!