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Sep 23, 2010 13:27

The first and foremost thing that defines a Mage is their Path. There are five Paths, though a rumor has persisted for centuries that Abyssal Watchtowers and Paths associated with them exist. The Path gives the Mage the tools he will use in crafting his Art, the Arcana. Each Path has two associated called Ruling and one disassociated called Inferior. It should be noted, however, that for several centuries a group calling itself the Order of Reason and made up of many like minded Magi of various Paths and Orders they referred to as Conventions strove to erect their own Watchtower, associated with no Supernal Realm yet still allowing the Magi to work their magics, which many referred to as science, or Science. In the mid 19th century, with the Industrial Revolution gaining momentum and just before the start of America's Civil War, this Ivory Tower, as the Order called their magnus opus, was nearing fruition. The past several decades had seen many advancements in technology and the sciences that strengthened the Order's position and that strength was echoed in the fabric of reality itself.

Unfortunately, the catastrophic event during the War, the test detonation of a bomb of unheard of yield and potential, fractured the walls between worlds and began the first of the rains of Ether from the heavens. (Ether, it should be noted and clarified, is similar to both Essence and Mana, but dissimilar enough in that mortals can make use of it.) The occult and supernatural world was revealed as dozens of incidents around the world overwhelmed the Order's abilities at keeping the Sleepers unaware of them. The Lie itself was nearly undone but in the end the reverberation shattered the foundation and all achievements toward the completion of the Ivory Tower. The Order of Reason was crippled and quickly fell apart as the Magi that had supported it found their practices of performing the Arts viewed as more vulgar than that of the Mystics.

The world, after several years, eventually balanced itself once more, and Magi could utilize science and technology to once more focus their wills towards the bending of the laws of reality but the damage had been done. Only two of the Conventions remained intact enough to continue, and they were absorbed into the Council of the Mystic Traditions. Fortunate, for had the Mystics not reached out a hand to these wayward scions of now forgotten future, they surely would have succumbed to the fate of their fellow Conventions. (Again, it should be noted, that several of the other Conventions could have made it as well, such as the Cosians[Progenitors] or Void Seekers[Void Engineers], but first, the masters of these sects were so well versed in the Arts that they sought to oppress they had sown the seeds of their own demises. Science says it is impossible for a man to live for hundreds of years, therefore these Magi were dying out as their magics failed against the rising tide of Sleeper Disbelief, a danger no Mage should take lightly.)

Now, following the Paths, are the Orders that Magi can join. Unlike Paths, Orders don't give a Mage a spiritual connection to any Arcana over any other, but the practices and beliefs of the Orders do place a higher importance on some. [In other words, Paths give you breaks on xp, Orders don't.] Over the millenia, several have risen and fallen, but there are many that have proven themselves worthy enough to carry on.


Dream Speakers...shamanistic and animist Magi that pay honor and respect to the spirit world. The Americas were their main homeland until the Europeans arrived and while the Sleepers fought their wars, the Orders soon realized that destroying the styles and rituals of these people would be an act of Hubris unforgivable. The Europeans were also familiar with the Native's views and practices as much of the tribal Magi across Africa have similar beliefs. Over the centuries and with the inclusion of African paradigm's into Native ones, the two were merged into one Order, calling themselves the Speakers in Dreams, or Dream Speakers, after the aboriginal practices that seemed, in reality, to be a root for both sects.

Hermetic Society or Order of Hermes...the Hermetics were once a gathering of individual 'Houses', each led by a Master. The Houses, first based around the Mediterranean, were merged into one Order centuries ago and has since become one of the largest and most influential of all the Orders. These wizards seek out arcane knowledge and power and are constantly refining or inventing new rotes and practical applications of the Arts.

Verbena...these are the witches and warlocks, who use their magics to command spirits and demons alike. They are the rival Order to the Hermetics in that while the Alchemists seek to become gods, the Verbena are content merely to wield their power. They share a tenuous relationship with the Dream Speakers as their view of the spirit world is as its masters, not students, but open hostility is rare. Originally found in northern and Eastern Europe, the ideas of the 'pagan's' found root with those disillusioned by both science and theology around the world.

Celestial Chorus...whereas all members of this Order are religious to a fault, the religions of mortals really are meaningless in the grand scheme. The 'gods' of all religions, they claim, are merely the largest fragments of the One True Creator, whose shattering created reality and whose shards are how Sleepers become Awakened, leading their wayward souls towards the Towers. Interestingly, while there are members of this Order within the Inquisition, due to their assimilated view on theology, their numbers within that group are few.

Chakravanti...viewed by many to be nothing more than a death cult, the 'Thread Cutters', as they are often called, seek to undo the damage to the karmic balance of reality and have dedicated themselves and their practices towards that end. Originating in the Indian subcontinent long ago, the Order has spread such that a similar group in the Mediterranean, called the Euthanatos, and a smaller group of Celtic and Gaelic worshipers of deities such as the Morrigan have been assimilated.

Akashic Brotherhood...much like the Dream Speakers of the Americas, this is the primary group of Magi found in the East, covering most of Asia. They incorporate many of the ideals and practices of other Orders, but the East has always viewed the West with suspicion and bigotry. Believing in the 'universal unconsciousness' and reincarnation both, the Magi of this Order are reluctant to even allow the other Orders into their regions. But with the blending of cultures and expansion of empires, the Brotherhood recognizes the advantages of diplomacy and trade.

Seers of Chronos...a Mediterranean based Order, the ideologies of the group caught on quickly in other regions as well. Also referred to as Hedonists, the Seers use physical sensation and artificial mental stimulation to seek both enlightenment and power. Their practices give them near unparalleled mastery over the Arcanum of Time and these oracles are one of the more useful of the Orders to the Traditions.

Ahl-i;Batin...an Order based solely in the Middle East these Muslim Magi use their mastery over the Arcanum of Space to great advantage. They have carved out a large section of Astral turn, which they refer to as Mount Qaf, and through it and the use of the Mind Arcanum, have created their Web of Faith, which means the Batini can coordinate and communicate over vast distances quite easily. They refuse the use of either tool to other Orders, but their inclusion as an Order under the Traditions means that group has access at will...as long as necessity dictates it.

Solificati...alchemists seeking the transcendence of mortality itself, the Solificati view themselves as above the other Orders by sheer dint of their goals...the eradication of both Exarch and Oracle alike, and a reordering of reality from within. That ultimate goal, the Ascension sought after by all the Orders, the Solificati search for by plying their Arts, seeking the answers to riddles about themselves from the base materials they work with.

Taftani...the Taftani focus their energies on crating the Lie into Truth, and dedicate themselves towards that end through the use of their djinn(spirits) slaves and the craftsmanship of their Arts. The recent outing of the occult would seem to be a great blessing for this Order, but the opposite is nearly true, as the Truth has been shown to most as Truths instead and the vulgarity of magic is nearly even more brutal upon the careless Mage. The aggressive style of this Order, along with its rivalries with other Orders--most notably the Batini, but the Dream Speakers frown on their enslavement of spirits and the others feel that the shunning of covert magic is a two steps back approach over all.

These nine have been the main Orders in existence for centuries and hold the most sway with the Traditions. There are, of course, many others such as the Difference Engineers, a Convention that has managed to remain mostly intact by embracing the Mystics and abandoning the Ivory Tower, and the Sons of Ether, craftsmen who still profess that Science is the purest Art, but they do recognize the mystical and occult and have turned their Science towards its study and duplication instead of eradication.

The Council of Mystic Orders, spread out as they are around the world at large, have constructed a meeting hall of grand design within the Astral realm, much like the Batini. The Council meetings take place on this mystic realm and any member of any Order is welcome to attend the convocations. The original meeting hall, Mistridge, was the site of the Order of Reason's legendary grand entrance onto the scene and with ambush and a dedicated loyalty towards one another through their vision of an Ivory Tower the Traditions themselves had to step in and prevent the utter annihilation of the Mystics. The Order and the Council never reconciled, but the Council was allowed to construct a new meeting hall, this one called Horizon, as it symbolized the ultimate goals of the Orders.

The Traditions are the final rung of the ladder in Mage society. They have existed since time immemorial and their power bases are both absolute and meaningless without the knowledge of all Magi that they must exist. The Traditions are made up of three separate bodies, each dedicated to its own field and necessity, and each headed by a single Mage, usually an Archmaster if not multiple Archmaster, who belongs to no Order.

The Traditions, set down as laws eons ago, some say by the Masters of the fabled Atlantis, others say by the rulers of the Realms that grant Magi their powers in the first place. Essentially, each is a body representing a tenement of these laws, sometimes multiple tenements. What it boils down to is a system that is above that of the Orders that can settle disputes between said Orders without the Council as being seen as biased or influenced and ensures that magical society can remain strong in the face of adversity. It remains to be seen whether or not the recent events which catapulted the occult into the forefront of the world will affect the continued existence of these bodies.

Mysterium...the body is relegated towards the pursuit of arcane lore and the protection and preservation of that lore. Orders may have libraries of their own, but the Mysterium is a library, encompassing a vast majority of not just lore regarding the Arts themselves, but all occult in general. When knowledge is needed about vampires, or the shifters, or anything, the Mysterium is the most likely source for material.

Adamantine Arrow...this is the militaristic body. It's very rare when the Traditions have to rally the brunt of their forces against a threat, but when they do it should be noted that the threat is severe. The Arrow is called on when the borders of reality are assaulted by outside forces or when Mage society, in part or whole, is threatened. The Arrow is still on the fence on whether or not to demand of the vampires the extradition of the Order of Magi called the Tremere.

Guardians of the Veil...this is the body that the rest of the Magi wish weren't necessary, but are also glad exists. This body comprises the judges, juries and executioners of Magi who have gone astray on their Paths to Ascension and must be dealt with. Death is not always the answer, but the Guardians still must gain votes from the other Traditions in regards to sentences. Sometimes, these votes are sought posthumously on behalf of the offending Mage though.

That's what I have for Mage Society. It's a lot to stomach, it has holes but it's the best I could do to merge the Old with the New. All comments, ideas and suggestions are welcome.
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