I have discovered Oekaki!
Of course, I knew about it, I just never participated before...but it turns out, after giving it a shot just for the hell of it, it's really quite fun!
All you furries can hop on over to Guppy's Oekaki BBS and check it out!
Zen's so damned awesome...Look at the jackal orgy Zen posted today, it makes me drool!
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Jul 31, 2003 07:10
I don't normally have nightmares...in fact, I don't ever remember having a genuine nightmare...
...until now. I had the most horrible dream of my life, last night...I dreamt Mikasi died...Oh, gods, I love him so much...I could never handle it if something happened to him...I'm shaking and sweating and crying and nearly hyperventilating...
Jul 22, 2003 14:24
Now that the mother rant is over, back to the subject at hand, I guess. I probably should have just edited the previous post, but anyone who's been depressed will understand, I'm sure, how it can make you lazy
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Jul 22, 2003 14:14
So here I am, feeling depressive again, and I'm not sure why
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Jul 13, 2003 23:21
Have you ever felt like you really needed to say something, but didn't know what? Or to whom? Or if the whom even mattered?