Title: Take the Sky, For Example (A Canvas of a Billion Suns)
zephyrianGenre: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (with Jensen/Misha, Jared/Adrianne, Jared/Sandy, and Sophia/Danneel)
Rating: R
Word Count: 45,683
Warnings/Spoilers: M/M slash, swearing, angst.
danse_amore and
taintedlove for the awesome beta; and
rascallyolpenis for her cheerleading!
Disclaimer: Jared, Jensen, and the rest belong to no one but themselves. I am making no money off of this, and it's not true.
Summary: Jensen knows from the start that moving in with a near-stranger is an awful idea, but the true magnitude of his mistake hits him like a sledgehammer after a few months of rocky cohabitation, when he realises that he's head over heels for his college-dropout-turned-struggling-actor roommate, who goes by the name of Jared and is oblivious, obnoxious, and straight. Based loosely on Spaced.
part one •
part two •
part three |
part four •
part five •
part six