i'm sorry. i just got home. i didn't realize there was internet up there! i'm sitting on the couch eating a cucumber watercress soup. i know that sounds gross but it's delicious. i'm remembering the time i made a comment on your livejournal that was something to the effect of, "i hope you find this in a year and think of how the whole world felt tonight." maybe this is a good format for us. maybe we can talk to each other here. anyway, i already miss you, but you knew that. as soon as you get service, you'll see some texts from me that attest to that. i got super fucking lost on the way home and it took me about four hours and change. ah well. i love you. i really love you.
- post this list above the bed and actually complete it - wake you up and go to phoebe's - transit museum (!) - long bike ride to somewhere awesome, possibly this: http://www.thelmagazine.com/newyork/brooklyns-lost-neighborhood-the-hole/Content?oid=1792323 - go to the raw place in park slope that i forget the name of but looks good. raw star?? - liberty science center - bike to boneshakers (again)
Comments 4
p.s. my mom is fucking furious. what else is new?
- post this list above the bed and actually complete it
- wake you up and go to phoebe's
- transit museum (!)
- long bike ride to somewhere awesome, possibly this: http://www.thelmagazine.com/newyork/brooklyns-lost-neighborhood-the-hole/Content?oid=1792323
- go to the raw place in park slope that i forget the name of but looks good. raw star??
- liberty science center
- bike to boneshakers (again)
i'll come up with more later...
- pumpkin carving
- christmas tree time
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