Don't get me started on Kyoto! What good is a treaty that would severely limit our production of CO2 while China and India are left free to do whatever they please? And those are the the under-developed countries that should adhere to a similar standard as the U.S. The people that would get the worst of it are the smaller third-world countries that Kyoto would economically devastate for decades for having committed the sin of not modernizing in the Kyoto-less days of the 20th century. Kyoto really puts the cart before the horse. And, despite the Bush-bashing, Kyoto wasn't signed by President Clinton either ... because it was the Senate that didn't approve Kyoto. So they should get the blame(praise
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I agree that Kyoto puts the cart before the horse. Expecting the world to adhere to standards applied to the developed world, even if said standards are voluntary, is ridiculous. It's the new incarnation of Social Darwinism - as a nation, you must be developed to this level or it's too late. We've arbitrarily - with oh so gentle prodding by mother nature - decided that the race is over and consequences for others be damned. Actually, the real blame for the U.S. policy of non-implementation is big business and its lobbyists. Without the lobbyists and the money attached to them, the Senate might have approved Kyoto. Either way, the race is effectively over unless a country decides to balk at the world as a whole and develop, irrespective of any environmental consequences
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