Oh Em Gee.

Nov 17, 2006 15:53

My John Krasinski story under the cut:

So, yesterday I drove 3 hours to NYC to meet John Krasinski from the show The Office. It's so funny because just last week I was talking to Melissa about how we should go to a Death Cab for Cutie concert in NYC or DC to see him. I also had mentioned that my life would be complete when I met him. So, my brother and Rodney came with me and we got to the Used Book Cafe and stood around for awhile. They started moving all the chairs and tables to set up for the book reading. They finally let us sit down and I tried to make it so Kevin and Rodney had seats next to me, but some dude took the seat next to me, so I ended up sitting by myself the entire time, and of course some unusually tall man just HAPPENED to sit 2 rows in front of me, and me being short, it really sucked. So I sat through everything. I haven't read anything by DFW, I want to now, cuz some of it sounded interesting, but it sucked because I hadn't read anything of his so alot of it I wasn't following. The folks from The Onion were really funny, and they definantly helped break up the monotony. So FINALLY they announced John Krasinski. He walked by where I was sitting and I seriously felt my stomach do flip flops. He's SO tall. And when he started talking, seriously omg, that moment is what started me not being able to stop smiling for the rest of the night. I was able to record his entire monologue (but for some reason none of my video programs will let me open it so that I can make it horizontal because I shot it vertically). I got a few pictures of him standing up front, but they didnt come out all that great.

So... he ran off stage and I thought that maybe he was trying to leave before he got stuck taking pictures, but no, of course not, he's WAY too nice to ever do a thing like that, so he stayed and took pictures with everyone. I got in a semi-line. I was talking to this woman and we were gushing about how tall and gorgeous he is. We realized that at that time The Office was on and we were missing it, but we both agreed that seeing him live was definantly worth it.

So, I finally got semi-close to him, and thats about the time it sort of all became real, and my stomach was doing flip flops and my hands started shaking cuz I was so nervous. So I got up to him, and I wasn't too sure if it was my turn but he was just looking at me, and he held out his hand and said "Hi! It's so nice to meet you!" and I'm pretty sure this is about the time when I was supposed to introduce myself, but my mouth wouldn't work so I was unable to speak. I let him know that I was very very nervous and he laughed and said "Oh no, dont be, I'm nothing to be nervous about, trust me." Well, I got my picture taken, but because he's so tall and I'm so incredibly short, my face got cut off lol, so I got back in line with my brother and Rodney. When I got back up to him I explained about the picture and he was like "Yeah, I wasn't feeling that one either, lets do it again". My brother couldn't work the camera properly so I had his arm around me for like a full minute. Finally, we got our picture and i went to look at it and he looked over my shoulder to see it too. So then my brother and Rodney started talking to him, and joking with him. Kevin asked him what happened on The Office that nihgt because we missed it. And John just smiled and made little kissy hands and said "Well, they get back together. Oh no, Spoiler alert!!" then we said goodbye to him and left the place.

As soon as we left, I called my friend Jackie, who did NOT believe me that I met him. lol. I dont even know if I was able to make real words because I was just SO excited. The entire drive home, I kept thinking, 'Oh my God, I met John Krasinski'. Even now, looking at the pictures, it seems so surreal.

Anyway, here's the few pictures I got. I got a video of all of him talking, but my computer hates me so it's not letting me do anything with it, but as soon as I fix it, I'll put it up here.

John Krasinski is friggin HOT:
((Please do not repost these anywhere. I am very weird about my pictures and I wasn't going to post them because I didn't want to see them anywhere, but I decided I would because he's just too fabulous not to share. If you want to make an icon of any of my pictures, you can ask me, though my pictures aren't that great... Thank you.))

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