Cougar Invitational

Mar 20, 2005 12:15

Yesterday was pretty neat despite having to wake up early on a Saturday.

Woke up at 6:45 but didn't want to get out of bed so stayed in until 7:30. Drove to Newark with mom screaming at me the whole time ("you don't have to signal when you're changing into this lane!," "it's green to turn right! you don't have to slow down!," "change lanes right away when you make a left, there's no need to signal!," "the speed limit is 30, why are you going 30? go 40"). I don't know. I always think signaling when you don't need to is better than not signaling when you need to, so I do it when in doubt.

Got into the track area and found some teammates, but coach wasn't there yet. Sarah said I looked like I was pissed off. I was. Going to a meet just to run a race I detest? You bet I'd be. But then I checked the schedule and found out that I was signed up for long jump, triple jump, and 300m hurdles. I was surprised but then thought I'd just skip out on those events anyway since my quadriceps were still in pain.

And right then it started POURING.

Good thing we had that canopy/tent thing we could all compact ourselves under. I was on the side so my back got totally soaked. Poor people had to run in that pouring rain! My brother was lucky, his team was running the distance medley (which he'd gotten drafted into that morning) and it poured on his teammate before and after him but not when he was running. Logan left when it started raining hard, they probably didn't want any of their athletes to get hurt. That's smart.

All the field events were postponed due to the rain. By the time they started the varsity girls long jump up I wasn't warmed up so I skipped. My race wasn't until 2:30 so I had plenty of time to chill. And literally chilled. It was cold outside! Later I decided to enter triple jump just because Neha and Sarah were subbing for Rutvi and April (who weren't there but were still on the list). MSJ was running the triple jump pit so that was cool. Eh, got two feet less than my PR but that's okay since I haven't worked on triple this season plus my quads were screaming.

Oh man, after triple my quads were destroyed... but I ran the 300m hurdles anyway since I bailed in the last meet. Got last as I expected but Sarah and Neha were in my heat so that made everything so much better on nerves. Yeahhh three MSJ getting last three places! Ahahaha! I was just glad it was over when I finished. And then coach told us we were out of shape and that Monday we were going to run more. Noooo... the 300 is not my thing and never will be!

Stuck around because my brother had a 4x2 and then we left at 4:00. From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, that's a good chunk of the day. Mission placed in some events! Especially jumps! That is so neat! I'm so proud of my team.

Got home, showered, attired in formal clothing, and went off to greataunt and grandmother's birthday dinner until 10:00. What a busy day.

And now I have a ton of homework to do since I wasn't at school Friday.

Did you know that when the weatherman says "rain" he means lightly and when he says "showers" it means hard rain? I hadn't thought of that.
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