OOC Information:
Name: Devon
Age: 22
AIM: Devonna269
MSN: hobbitofsomeintelligence@hotmail.com
Y!M: N/A
E-MAIL: silversomber@gmail.com
IC Information:
Name: Sagan Youji (Youji Sagan in Western style)
Fandom: Loveless
Timeline:(When in the series/game/show/movie is your character from?)Volume 10 Chapter 4/most current canon
Age: 12
Appearance: Youji's most noticeable difference for people not from his world, would likely be a tie between his feline appendages and his teal coloured hair. Both are perfectly normal in his world, so Youji really wouldn't understand the fuss. His tail and hair is long and sleek, where Natsuo's is fluffy. He is still growing into his body, not quite a teenager yet. He's average height for his age, very slim and light, with an androgynous look. He wears his hair long, past his shoulders, and has been told her looks a lot like Nagasi-Sensei's sister.
Abilities: Youji is a Sacrifice. In his canon, certain people are born with another half, a pair. They will either be a fighter or a sacrifice. When they find each other they will be schooled in how to take part in spell battles. Sacrifices take damage, and command their fighter units. Generally sacrifices are not shown using spells like fighters are, however Youji seems to be able to. He and Natsuo attempted to take hold of Ritsuka's teacher, with the intent of taking her ears. Using spells outside of battle seems to be frowned upon, but the Zeros clearly don't care much for rules.
As a Zero, Youji is an artificial creation. He was designed along with Natsuo by Nagisa-Sensei to be a pair that could not feel pain. They were genetically designed to have something similar to congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (
CIPA). His nerve endings are incapable of sensing pain or changes in temperature, and he is unable to sweat. Nagasi-Sensei thought that being incapable of feeling pain would make them the ultimate fighters, and in many ways she was right. However, it also left them very naive to the dangers they put themselves in. Youji is not old enough or experienced enough yet to know how to look after himself properly, and being unable to sense when he is in danger of damage himself leaves him very vulnerable at times.
Personality: (What is your character like? Good? Bad? How do they get along with others? One paragraph or more please.) Youji is still young, and some of his bratiness may be attributed to his age. He's not exactly an evil person, but he does lack empathy. Being unable to perceive pain himself, his is naive as to how it effects others, and finds it fascinating to watch. He's spent much of his life in relative seclusion, and is ignorant in many social situations. He's overly curious, and loves to ask questions, even when he's ignored. He is very good at acting cheerful when he's not, and at times seems to fool even himself, seeming surprised when he realizes he's unhappy. This is generally quickly laughed off.
While he may act indifferent to the world at large, he becomes attached to people very quickly. He won't say so, and it won't earn the favored person much kindness, but it will earn them his loyalty. Natsuo is generally the only person besides himself who can tell how Youji really feels about a situation, but Youji doesn't see this as strange. He can drop attachments with feigned ease, though the ties still remain strong.
History: (How did your character get to be who they are today? Remember, not everyone will know your fandom. Two paragraphs or more please.)
Youji and Natsuo are the creations of Nagisa Sagan, designed to feel no pain and thus be the perfect fighting pair. Youji, the sacrifice of the pair, bears a stunning similarity to Nagisa's younger sister, whom she was very fond of, but currently seems to be estranged from. This similarity seems to have caused her to treat Youji better, despite her general preference for Fighter's over Sacrifices she showed in the first generation of Zeros. While the female Zero pair were said to be raised in foster homes, and have different family names, both Youji and Natsuo have the last name of their teacher. Though not explicitly stated in canon, many take this to mean they were raised by her and not in separate homes.
The boys had no knowledge of the previous Zero generation that had come before them, and spent much of their time under the unconventional influence of their teacher. She was never particularly kind to them, often lashing out, and being particularly neglectful of Natsuo. Youji never spoke out against her treatment of his Fighter, but it never sat quite right with him.
Nagisa impressed upon them the importance of winning, and being the best pair their was. Her need to beat Ritsu in her training program standing above everything else. She wasn't above cheating, and neither were the boys. She neglected to teach them the full dangers their condition presented, and when she sent them off to collect Ritsuka it would cost them.
They faced off against Soubi, who refused to call for Ritsuka, entering into an uneven fight. They took matters further when Youji decided he wanted to join in on the fun, driving a nail through Soubi's hand. They continued to goad him in an attempt to get him to call Ritsuka, but he was able to beat them with a spell that caused the temperature to drop. The boys didn't realize the significance of this until they collapsed.
In a surprising twist of kindness, Soubi offered to take the boys in, who had always been told not to return to Nagisa if they lost. They accepted his offer with some suspicion, but quickly fond themselves bonding with Soubi, Ritsuka, and even Soubi's friend Kio. Youji quickly became attached, though would be quick to deny it. When the female Zeros came to challenge Soubi and Ritsuka, he and Natsuo went to face them instead. They were defeated moments after the battle started, the girls using a spell which only works on fellow Zeros. It broke the connection of each Zero pair, switching them so that Natsuo's spell restricted Youji fully. Youji spent a long while in recovery. Soon after, one the female Zeros found that her mark was fading, and she was able to feel pain. Whether this was a result of the spell, a flaw in the first generation of Zeros, or a flaw in ALL Zeros is unknown. The girls quit, and cut ties with Nagisa, who soon after relented and called the boys, telling them they could return to her.
The boys were elated, but after some discussed, each revealed that did not wish to leave their new friends. Ultimately, they left in the middle of the night, telling no one and leaving a simple note. Nagisa acted mostly indifferent to their return and sent them to Ritsu to be retrained. There they ran into Ritsuka and Soubi once again, and after Ritsu was blinded by Seimei they went to confront him against Nagisa's wishes. She slapped Youji, insisting that she didn't care, and Youji was able to twist her words calmly.
Seimei was somehow able to inflict a great pressure upon the boys with his mere words, and before they could engage him, Ritsuka and Soubi appeared, and not long after Seimei escaped. The boys joined up with Ritsuka and Seimei to retrieve Kio from Seimei, not to be deterred.
Roleplay Sample - Log: (Written in third person, past tense, any setting [Changed 6/25! - 'any canon setting - or Facility based.'] )
Youji didn't like this place at all. It lacked everything of importance, namely, Natsuo. He couldn't feel him. There was a strange hollow feeling in his chest...probably the closest to real pain he'd ever felt. It was as if Natsuo had simply been wiped from existence. Youji didn't like this feeling. He scowled towards his teddy bear. He would have plucked its eye out but they were all ready gone. He settled for tossing it away. It fell with a heavy clunk, still concealing his hammer. He looked off with narrowed eyes before glancing back towards the bear. After a moment of trying to ignore it he shuffled of to collect it again, dusting it off and letting it hang by one arm as he walked.
"Stupid bear," he muttered under his breath, ears flattening, and twisting to the side. He'd find Natsuo, even if he had to fight everyone in this stupid place to do it.
Roleplay Sample - Journal: (Written in first person, IC, as though it were a journal entry.)
If Natsuo was here this place might not be so bad. The people here are mostly annoying though; not Ritsuka-kun, but the rest. So useless. How hard can it be to find a way home? They just haven't been trying hard enough. I'll figure it out. Or I'll bring Natsuo here, and we'll have all sorts of fun. And Nagisa-Sensei too. Oh, and I guess Ritsuka would want Soubi...that'd be okay. But Seimei can't come, I don't care what he says. Maybe we could bring Kio too. I think they'd like it here. But really, it would be best if I could just go home.
Overall Info Rating: G - NC17.
Death: Discuss beforehand please
Smut: Maybe.
Yaoi - Yes
Het - Less likely