There's something nice about being a Toy Boy. I happen to be
Biccy 's toy boy and for that she often buys me random little things, a chair, a umbrella, a Wardrobe....and so on....
after spending a fair amount of money on my new shiny shoes ( X3 ) Biccy said she wasn't going to buy me anything for a while...
But what do you know... a few weeks later she comes home, happy as happy can be.
So, I've been given a new toy. Wanna know what it is?
I'll give you some hints... it's shiny and silver.
and it's got wheels
Give up? =D
It's a (shopping) trolley.
Don't you agree that Biccy picks up some of the coolest stuff, ever?
I think she does...
Now...the question is....what to do with it...hmmm?