Title: Change
Pairing: Shalka!Boys
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine
Summary: Every word seemed to be rehearsed, every discussion a repeat, until something changed
Author's Notes: Short double drabble, because I couldn't bring myself to work on other fanfictions.
They never talked about personal subjects and if one of them started to make an attempt to steer a conversation into this direction, the other one blocked him out. Only when they argued they came close to talking about what was between them, but neither of them would allow himself to reaveal something about his feelings. Every word by now seemed to be rehearsed, every discussion a repeat of the one before and the outcome was always the same. The discussion they had now wasn't different so far to that and again about the old subject that was always hanging between them.
“I can't let you go,” the Doctor insisted harshly.
“Why? So I don't kill anyone? Oh come now Doctor, that is a pretty old excuse,” the Master replied bitterly, his voice masked with mocking politeness.
This time however something changed, something differed. Because this time the Doctor wasn't saying what he usually said. “Exactly! And just because it is old, doesn't mean it is dated,” he should have said.
But he didn't.
“No, so you won't get yourself killed again,” the Doctor snapped instead.
In the deafening silence that followed, something finally broke, giving way for something new.