i feel the need to say this, for many of you who know me know a lot about me. however what i don't mention about (until recently) is my brother kyle.
well lately i've seen many tv shows that involve stories about families that have an autistic child or documents with the child who has autism talk about it. and since the recent events with kyle (diagnosed with lime disease, and is now treated with injections for the lime, the problem was that they attacked something to his chest, an IV. and he pulled it out. now they are working with the injections and he'll be back at his place within a few days which is great!) i feel that maybe it's time for me to make an announcement about it; i need to take a stand and explain to everyone what autism is and how now it's effecting many here in the united states. i'm sure most of you have an idea, but for the parent and sibiling who wanted that child to be like the rest of us (normal and functional) it's tough and stressful. i am happy kyle is being taken care of and well, but i do get worried with the simple things such as lime disease (that again is curable, a normal person would identify it, treat it and done) it takes a lot more with a person with autism, a lot of things take more care and more thought. if you change their pattern, they become agitated and for people with severe autism, it can be violent.
according to
"Autism impairs a person's ability to communicate and relate to others. It is also associated with rigid routines and repetitive behaviors, such as obsessively arranging objects or following very specific routines. Symptoms can range from very mild to quite severe."
as i mentioned before, the way my brother lived was in a structure and pattern, his mind is closed off to the world, even if he understands us and knows who we are he cannot feel love, he can only emulate that emotion. even though he would hug me and my parents, i believe the emotion of love he could only give a lot to was my father. they had such a close relationship that blew me away. kyle would always smile with my dad, play with my dad. there was always this opening at the end of that tunnel that kyle had in his eyes. he would light up. now i think about it, i feel emotional. i can see in my dad's eyes how much it hurts to see kyle go through so much.
"Today, 1 in 150 individuals is diagnosed with autism, making it more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. "
ten years ago, autism wasn't so commonly known to many so bringing kyle out in the world was difficult and it had it's embarrassing moments. i remember one day going to mcdonalds getting a simple meal and eating with my grandfather and kyle. and when kyle would just be himself, make noise and move around a woman turns to us and told us to shut him up. it made us upset and angry that she didn't even realize he had a problem, not a sorry or anything. now that autism is seen as a real problem and that there are donations dedicated to it, it's more forward people can be aware, understand not be afraid of children like that. they are all beautiful, each and every one of them. i want to help, do something, i want my friends to help. no i'm not asking for donations i just want your support, your opinions, ideas..have you ever seen a child like that? ever heard of autism? if you did where? if you didn't until now was it helpful? any information or ideas from you would be greateful.
my brother kyle was diagnosed with severe autism at 2/3ish. we didn't know ways to cope with him, but we learned and we dealt with what god and life gave us, and that challenge lead us to kyle going to a better place upstate, losing weight, knowing more things like using the bathroom, cleaning tables, windows and floors, using dinner utensils he's better than ever. even with the lime disease, i think if he still lived with us and he had this it would be tougher. i'm greateful.
Autism SpeaksCure Autism Now make some sort of difference. even if it's answering this post with a heart, it makes a small difference with me.
i love you kyle, keep on smiling.