Title: Building Homes From What We've Known, Part I (3/3)
Author: zerodetorres
Characters: Brittany/Santana, Matt, Quinn, Puck
Rating: NC-17
Length: 5,740/17,597
Timeline: AU
Summary: Santana Lopez fights for her family.
Building Homes From What We've Known, Part I (3/3) )
Comments 38
Can't wait for the next part!
Your brain should have its own zip code. Dang! I cannot wait for the next parts!!!!! I hope your finals finish soon so you'll have all the time in the world to finish this shit.
Your brain. It ASTOUNDS me. lakhsfksnvkdnjlkfvnmdlskvjskmv!!!
I can't even. WOW.
thank you for this Lucy. This fic will forever be etched in my brain.
this = AWESOME, as always.
I was just waiting for the angst to show up and thank goodness there wasn't any in this part because I would have been crushed! I can't wait for the next part, I want to learn more about Matt and Santana and maybe see some Brittana babies or their 'second wedding' if that's where it's headed. THis is just wonderful!! Good luck on all your exams and everything :)
Carry on.
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