Title: Between Two Lungs (It Was Released)
Author: zerodetorres
Characters: Quinn/Santana
Rating: R
Length: 2165
Summary: "You're the best thing I never had."
Notes: Written for
loveisedible as part of the
glee_rare_pairs fic exchange (pinch hit).
Between Two Lungs (It Was Released) )
Comments 7
So Fabray doesn't have a bun in the oven anymore. Her bun is off in another chick's bakery, which totally works in everyone's favor. - perfect Santana voice
Brittany just looks like she's being asked to choose between a unicorn and a fairy. - hahahah
Santana takes satisfaction in that, in knowing that Quinn Fabray, perfect head cheerleader, brought up by traditional Christian values and uptight Christian parents, is coming apart in her hands.
I liked how you based these little vignettes on quotes/scenes from the show, it provided a great jumping-off point.
Quinn/Santana is my favorite Glee pairing, so I always love to see a new fic with them.
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