So, the holidays have finally come and gone. I only know that because the satelite radio at work is no longer playing christmas songs. With the way the holiday has gone, I have come to a great realization that I have known for sometime. My family sucks and I was so right you would not believe. instead of everyone doing what I asked for christmas, my family decided to do it differently, so here is my christmas gift list:
1. A collective one hundred cash (thanks to those who listened)
2. 10$ worth of lotto tickets (won 5 bucks by the way)
3. A shirt (Wasn't my size)
4. Decorative Salt and pepper shakers (...)
5. A DS with accessory kit (Beacuse I sold my past two because money was tight)
6. And a... telescope (what am I, 5 (no offense to those who like them))
So yeah, looks like I was right about the family, can't join together to help with something simple and needed. (Sure it would have been done had it been any other cousin). Other than a rather sour and slim christmas, (except the DS, thanks again Kat) I now have one more thing to keep an eye out for, my job. Holiday is over, job is now on the line. Though there are a few people who were hired specifically for the holiday season, not quite how it works sadly. Everyones sales are going to be pinned and examined carefully to see who is kept. Sadly I know I'm a little lacking in the cell phone section, which so important and never seems to work out for me because anytime I mention the word phone they hold up verizon. *sigh* wish me luck.