something brought
this anonymous comment to my attention again. whoever you are, maybe email doesn't work. maybe you prefer a potential audience. i'm willing to be vulnerable, so i hope you are too.
Relationships with our relatives can never really be ended because no matter
what we do part of them still pumps in us.
Relationship(s) with our God (or gods) only fail by our own doing.
Relationships with our "friends" can fail with us doing nothing wrong.
Usually we fail to see that we maintain our claim to being in the right when
they fail. We stand on the claim that we did what we could. When we gain
perspective and can look back we can begin to see where we were to blame.
Even though our pride refuses to take the full brunt of the blame, deep down
we know that we may have contributed the the sinking of that particular
"ship." These relationships can also fail when they do nothing wrong.
Perceived & actual offenses have the same impact when striking against the
foundation of what was built.
I miss some and am relieved to be free of others. What "friends" do you miss
and which are you glad to be rid of?
It is difficult to answer freely a question shrouded by doubt which even
years of growth and retrospect cannot yet pierce.
I cannot regret mistakes made when no better choice could have been found,
in the height of what once seemed wisdom and is only later known to be
ignorance. Some choices I have made regarding "friends", as you call them,
were indeed mistakes, yet even the ones I regret the most I would not
renounce. A man at times must choose between evils he cannot truly
understand, and though he may go wrong he chooses the path which seems the
more likely to bear some good and the least likely to bear great evil.
And there are times when a man is beyond choice; when fate or chance or luck
or God all seem to betray him. A time when all choices may prove ill, and
for lack of hope he makes no decision at all and merely lets the tides bear
him where they will.
I have been on both sides. I have let friends fall where I may have borne
them; and I have fallen where others might have borne me. In neither do I
cast any blame... it is not mine to say when and whether greater good has
been wrought in evil's stead. In all my choices I have attempted to remain
truest to my nature, as well as I could [or could not] understand it.
I do not yet understand my nature, nor have wisdom enough to answer your
question. In these hours when friendship is the only hope my faltering
hands have held on to, I regret the loss of even those whose loss has been
relief to me. I miss even the friends I still have, for my heart beyond the
counsel of all wisdom has withdrawn from them; and though I love them as
truly from afar, long is the dawn in coming when my heart shall be renewed.
I do not know who you are, and yet my heart deems that I know you. Speak
openly, if you may, and cast aside the veil of anonymity. Or if you cannot
yet relent secrecy, in the least speak to me still in riddles, for I am
troubled and in need of counsels, however unlooked for.