Ive had this irc moment for a while now. Ive been meaning to post it up but I kept forgeting XP Well, anyway, its kind of a long read but it really made my day XD
*** Topic for #ssbrpg: #SSBRPG - [PA5] Vote or die. Can you do any less? [MPMP] Next set of instructions is up. Yay! :D
*** Topic set by Kanaza on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 4:59:27 AM
#ssbrpg :ZeroMX @AniTeirusu ShyGuy +Symphonia^^ +Logic @AniMarth|BUSY +Espio|SLEEP @ClumsyRobot
*** Mode is +sntr
*** Channel created on Friday, June 11, 2004 at 10:07:21 AM
Symphonia^^: Umm... Lesse...
Symphonia^^: Marth, Peach, Kanaza, and me. ='
Symphonia^^: That's all I know of, that is.
*** CommanderZim (CommanderZ@DynastyNet-1179.insight.rr.com) joined #ssbrpg
AniTeirusu: and what classes are they?
ZeroMX: umm.. Yo ^^;
Symphonia^^: Hey, Zim, Zero!
CommanderZim: Hey
AniTeirusu: hiiiii all
Symphonia^^: I'm a Pastamancer, Peach is a Sauceror, and I'm not quite sure what Kanaza or Marth is.
AniTeirusu: I bet marth is a turtkle tamer
AniTeirusu: I might be a Disco bandit xDDD
Symphonia^^: XD
AniTeirusu: ph34r
AniTeirusu: xD
Symphonia^^: XD
CommanderZim starts dancing
AniTeirusu: this is very random
AniTeirusu: where's the haunted pantry?
ZeroMX: Can I be the chicken dance bandit? '_'
Symphonia^^: It's on the Wrong Side of the Tracks, which is inside the town. ='
AniTeirusu: o.o what's this "adventures left" thing. Is that how long I can play before the game ends? ._.
*** Espio|SLEEP is now known as Espio
AniTeirusu: Essspioooo
CommanderZim: Moo
Espio: wut
AniTeirusu: Remember hoe you fixed your RO. Now.
Espio: It was like. A year ago when I got that error.
AniTeirusu: Q_Q
AniTeirusu: Andz was all "You didn't patch". Um, yeah, I looked at the common fixes post and I PATCHED ALL THREE STUPID THINGS and the error still pops up :\
Espio: Maybe you should just run setup again
ShyGuy has some filming to attend to
ShyGuy: later, everyone
ShyGuy: "I'll be baack!"
*** ShyGuy has signed off (Quit: )
Espio: Ok, this is just getting me angry.
AniTeirusu: x.x if I were to redownload everything, would I lose my account/characters?
AniTeirusu: What is? :'
AniTeirusu: ...
AniTeirusu: It's like how Tails is apparently good. xD
AniTeirusu: I personally think Tails is a neutral
AniTeirusu: He hasn't gone "Evil is bad!"
Symphonia^^: Tetkites aren't robots. =<
AniTeirusu: and he hasn't run into Eggman yet
AniTeirusu: .......which he should
Espio: Mewtwo? Yes he has.
Espio: And I blew him up.
AniTeirusu: ..no, TAILS
AniTeirusu: xD
Espio: Oh.
AniTeirusu: idjit
Espio: Well. I blew Mewtow up. >:<
AniTeirusu: WELL
AniTeirusu: SO YAY
Symphonia^^: Yoshi... I'd say is neutral. ='
AniTeirusu: ...now I have to land it at Thantos
AniTeirusu: YOSHI IS EVIL :(
AniTeirusu: DON'T DENY IT :(
Symphonia^^: Bumpteh wil b teh ebil.
AniTeirusu: awwww, but Bumpty is cuute
Symphonia^^: I DO NOT DENY THAT
AniTeirusu: I have a Bumpty GJ icon
AniTeirusu: would you like it?
AniTeirusu: xD
Symphonia^^ goes crazy.
Symphonia^^: Yes, please. =P
AniTeirusu: It's the animation of him from Tetris Attack
Symphonia^^: Ah.
Symphonia^^: <3
AniTeirusu: I MADE IT MYSELF :<<<<
Symphonia^^ wishes he had a spritesheet of Bumpty. ;-;
Symphonia^^: I KNOW
Symphonia^^: I'LL RIP IT MYSELF!
Symphonia^^ goes to download SMW2. <3
Symphonia^^: And ZSNES. <.<;;
Symphonia^^: Or should I just go with the GBA version? ='
Symphonia^^: I'll go with the GBA version. ='
Symphonia^^ doesn't know how to rip sprites with the ZSNES. <.<;;
http://pics.greatestjournal.com/userpic/3397846/125251AniTeirusu: I just print screen
AniTeirusu: of course
AniTeirusu: with that
AniTeirusu: ----OH
AniTeirusu: I KNOW
AniTeirusu: You need to get the "AnimGet" progeam...but I don't know where it is
Symphonia^^: THAT. IS SO. AWESOME.
AniTeirusu: Marf did
AniTeirusu: AGAIN. I MADE IT MYSELF :<<<<<<<
AniTeirusu: Because I like penguins
Symphonia^^ dies over the cute Bumpteh. <3
Espio: OH MAN
http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/Symphonia^^: ...XDDD;;
AniTeirusu: Wat Te Fretruck @ google
AniTeirusu: How did you come across this?
http://www.christianhacker.org/html/NHV.html Espio: Which I got from Sae.
AniTeirusu: BERB
Symphonia^^: Eww...
Symphonia^^ just learned how to make Cream Stew. <.<;;
CommanderZim: Did you know that if you search "Waffle" on google you get John Kerrys campaign page?
Symphonia^^: He's offering waffles to those who vote for him...?
Symphonia^^: ='
CommanderZim: So my friend now calls John Kerry "JKWaffles"
Espio: Oh no.
Espio: The cheering corwd.
Espio: o.o
Espio: Crowd
*** Espio has signed off (Quit: I-D-I-D-O-T-H)
Symphonia^^: =<
*** Espio (~ehejijrou@DynastyNet-63259.dyn.optonline.net) joined #ssbrpg
Symphonia^^: OMR
*** Espio is now known as SymphoNinja
*** N1NT3ND0 (~yankees61@DynastyNet-6766.dialup.enter.net) joined #ssbrpg
N1NT3ND0: Holy crap it's Zero.
AniTeirusu: espio!
AniTeirusu: I asked you a question!
*** RCat (RCAT@206.228.155.DynastyNet-53299) joined #ssbrpg
Symphonia^^: Hey, RCat! ^^
RCat: !halfop
*** Mode change "+h RCat" on #ssbrpg by ClumsyRobot
RCat: Hey!
*** Mode change "+v CommanderZim" on #ssbrpg by RCat
*** Mode change "+v N1NT3ND0" on #ssbrpg by RCat
*** Mode change "+v SymphoNinja" on #ssbrpg by RCat
*** Mode change "+v ZeroMX" on #ssbrpg by RCat
AniTeirusu: ESPIOOOO
*** Santa (~krazyfool@DynastyNet-19461.client.comcast.net) joined #ssbrpg
Santa: Boo.
ZeroMX: .-.
*** Mode change "+v Santa" on #ssbrpg by RCat
AniTeirusu: -______-;;;;;
Santa: Geez, I need to be on more.
RCat: Long time, no see, Santa.
Santa: Ditto, RCat.
Santa: Have I been deleted yet?
Santa: :P
Santa: Because if I was, I'm gonna be Bowser.
Santa: And never be on.
Santa: Again.
RCat: Sorry, but I've already got dibs, I believe.
N1NT3ND0 throws a pie at Zero.
Santa cries.
ZeroMX: @_@
Santa: Mmmm...pie.
ZeroMX Pokes Nin in the eyes and slaps him
N1NT3ND0 is Rocking to: 08 - Korn - Did My Time ,1°Swinkster,9Records°
N1NT3ND0: omg ah
Santa: Eyes.
Santa: Well, g2g
Santa: ...Again.
*** Santa has signed off (Quit: )
ZeroMX: O_O
N1NT3ND0: Long time no see, Zero.
ZeroMX: Yeah, my cable went dead for a bit ^_^;
ZeroMX: But now im back to lurk in the chat some more!
N1NT3ND0: Yay
N1NT3ND0: I saw a funny movie the other day called Run Ronnie Run
*** SymphoNinja has signed off (Ping timeout)
ZeroMX: Is it new? I dont think I heard of it :P
N1NT3ND0: I have no idea when it came out.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0258100/ N1NT3ND0: The main character is played by the handicapped dude from Scary Movie 2.
N1NT3ND0: The one spoof is so funny. Jack Black is a chimney sweep, and he starts singing songs XD
*N1NT3ND0* The song is called 'A kick in the cunt'
ZeroMX: XP
N1NT3ND0: Check your PM.
*** N1NT3ND0 is ~yankees61@DynastyNet-6766.dialup.enter.net (Thomas Swink)
*** N1NT3ND0 is on channels +#ssbrpg
*** N1NT3ND0 is on IRC via neptune.ny.us.dynastynet.net (The deep blue sea.)
*** N1NT3ND0 has been idle for 45 seconds
*** N1NT3ND0 signed on at Friday, July 30, 2004, 9:01:47 PM
*** N1NT3ND0 is ~yankees61@DynastyNet-6766.dialup.enter.net (Thomas Swink)
*** N1NT3ND0 is on channels +#ssbrpg
*** N1NT3ND0 is on IRC via neptune.ny.us.dynastynet.net (The deep blue sea.)
*** N1NT3ND0 has been idle for 45 seconds
*** N1NT3ND0 signed on at Friday, July 30, 2004, 9:01:47 PM
*** N1NT3ND0 is ~yankees61@DynastyNet-6766.dialup.enter.net (Thomas Swink)
*** N1NT3ND0 is on channels +#ssbrpg
*** N1NT3ND0 is on IRC via neptune.ny.us.dynastynet.net (The deep blue sea.)
*** N1NT3ND0 has been idle for 1 minutes, 21 seconds
*** N1NT3ND0 signed on at Friday, July 30, 2004, 9:01:47 PM
*** N1NT3ND0 is ~yankees61@DynastyNet-6766.dialup.enter.net (Thomas Swink)
*** N1NT3ND0 is on channels +#ssbrpg
*** N1NT3ND0 is on IRC via neptune.ny.us.dynastynet.net (The deep blue sea.)
*** N1NT3ND0 has been idle for 2 minutes, 24 seconds
*** N1NT3ND0 signed on at Friday, July 30, 2004, 9:01:47 PM
*** SymphoNinja (~ehejijrou@DynastyNet-63259.dyn.optonline.net) joined #ssbrpg
--> *N1NT3ND0* lol
*N1NT3ND0* And his voice is so fucking funny.
*N1NT3ND0* Sounds just like a Brit.
N1NT3ND0: Welcome Back.
--> *N1NT3ND0* Was that a PM? O_O I cant really tell XP
*N1NT3ND0* ...Yeah XD
*N1NT3ND0* What location are you at right now at the RPG, and how many people are in your group?
RCat goes to play a TMNT3 rom. :D
--> *N1NT3ND0* I really gotta get myself another computer u_u;
*N1NT3ND0* Yeah, you do
*N1NT3ND0* I need to join a group, so I figured you may be interested
--> *N1NT3ND0* Really? Sweet! Im in :P
*N1NT3ND0* Good
*N1NT3ND0* I'm currently at Ragol.
*N1NT3ND0* And I think Ceph may be coming as well.
RCat: brb
*** RCat has signed off (Quit: For to live is serving God, and to die is gain.)
*N1NT3ND0* We may be able to get one more person, but we'll have to see.
*N1NT3ND0* But you, me, and Ceph will be fine for now
*** PocketMarth (~trainerke@DynastyNet-40918.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) joined #ssbrpg
--> *N1NT3ND0* Its all kewl :P
*** AniMarth|BUSY has signed off (Ping timeout)
*** Stub (~cunningas@DynastyNet-168.javan.dialup.pol.co.uk) joined #ssbrpg
Stub: Helloooooo
ZeroMX: Yo!
Stub: Wassup?
*N1NT3ND0* Indeed
N1NT3ND0: Hey
ZeroMX: Not a whole lot :P
*N1NT3ND0* I'll see if he can drag Stub along.
*N1NT3ND0* He's the new Link, if you didn't know
Stub: :P interesting
ZeroMX: darn tootin ^_^
*N1NT3ND0* Hell, if not, he could still bring Bass.
N1NT3ND0: ...
ZeroMX: XD
Stub: lol
N1NT3ND0: You're not a southener XD
N1NT3ND0: You poser.
ZeroMX: Sorry sir u_u
Stub: Hehe
Stub: Come one chaps, get your act together, what
Stub: ?
Stub: (^on. Me so dumb)
AniTeirusu: o.o
Stub: Yeah... Showed you all...
Stub: I'll go hide in my corner now
ZeroMX: XP
AniTeirusu goes to reinstal RO
*** PocketMarth has signed off (Ping timeout)
Stub: So, what y'all talking about?
N1NT3ND0: ...
N1NT3ND0 stabs self in the eye.
Stub: Good for you, everyone needs a obby
*** AniMarth|BUSY (~trainerke@DynastyNet-40918.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) joined #ssbrpg
AniTeirusu: ...
ZeroMX: Im gonna go do some taxes!
Stub: Hello
Stub: Yay!
AniTeirusu: :\
Stub: Hey ani. you alright?
ZeroMX: XD
N1NT3ND0: I'm going to give you more taxes, Zero.
*** PocketMarth (~trainerke@DynastyNet-40918.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) joined #ssbrpg
*** Mode change "+q PocketMarth" on #ssbrpg by ClumsyRobot
*** Mode change "+o PocketMarth" on #ssbrpg by ClumsyRobot
ClumsyRobot: [PocketMarth] omr hi evry1 how r u???
PocketMarth: !op
*** Mode change "+o PocketMarth" on #ssbrpg by ClumsyRobot
ZeroMX: You cant give me taxes because I am the president! Of umm...moose world!
*** AniMarth|BUSY has signed off (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by PocketMarth)))
*** PocketMarth is now known as AniMarth|BUSY
N1NT3ND0 grabs an Xbox and beats Zero to death with it.
ZeroMX: I also have a tax-exempt cult ^_^
Stub: Really? I'm the president of Duck world. We should declare war on each other
AniMarth|BUSY runs away.
ZeroMX: Oww X_X!!
*** Mode change "+vv Stub SymphoNinja" on #ssbrpg by AniMarth|BUSY
N1NT3ND0: Now this is what the Xbrick was made for.
Stub: Brick? more like a birck factory. :P
ZeroMX: Ohh really?! Attack my moosey minions!
N1NT3ND0 turns into Optimus Prime, and stomps on all of the mossey minions.
ZeroMX: Invade Duck world with your hooves!
Stub: Damn straight. and there's nothing you can do about it
N1NT3ND0: *moosey
Stub: Fly my pretties! FLY!
ZeroMX: hooves of duck doom!
Stub: Beaks of moose munching!
N1NT3ND0: Unleash...Godzilla!
ZeroMX: Aliied yourself with prime ehh? You coward!
N1NT3ND0: And Godzilla ;P
N1NT3ND0 watches as Godzilla appears from the ocean.
ZeroMX: And godzilla >_>;
AniTeirusu: fooding
Stub: Your mooses are doomed. Join the dark side!
Stub: I mean the duck side...
ZeroMX: Well, I have here the power rangers and Megatron!
ZeroMX: Beat that you...ducks!
Stub: How dare you?!
N1NT3ND0: There is only one person that can defeat Godzilla.
Stub: *slaps with glove*
ZeroMX: Pest control?
N1NT3ND0: Blackzilla.
Stub: Ulrika Johnson?
Stub: Oh ho
Stub: I bagsy Blackzilla!
Stub: HA HA! I win!
N1NT3ND0 see's a 200 foot Dave Chapelle walk around.
ZeroMX: Well, by putting a moose in my microwave with a potato, I have crated the immortal... MOOZILLA!!
Stub: lol
Stub: By gluing several ducks together, I've created... A mess. Awwww...
ZeroMX: Now attack Jersey!
ZeroMX: Gather all the twinkies!
Stub: At last we find a common cause
N1NT3ND0: By putting money into a blender with dead frogs and a dog's nose, I have created the...
N1NT3ND0: Mofrods!
Stub: hehe
*** Kanaza (Juppo@DynastyNet-21444.dialsprint.net) joined #ssbrpg
*** Mode change "+h Kanaza" on #ssbrpg by ClumsyRobot
N1NT3ND0: Which look like large dollar bills, but with frog legs and a dogs nose.
ZeroMX: *Moozilla still rampaging in jersey...*
Stub: lol
ZeroMX: "RaR*
Kanaza: What did I just walk into here?
Stub: A fight between duck world and moose world
N1NT3ND0: And Mofrods
ZeroMX: Too bad I cant control its extreme moose...eyness
N1NT3ND0: As long as you don't attack PA.
Stub: Including blackzilla, godzilla, mofrods and ducks and mooses
ZeroMX: Moose army! Attack those initials!
Stub: (note: Eliminate N1NT3ND0, he knows too much...)
ZeroMX: You forgot MOOZILLA!!
N1NT3ND0: ...
ZeroMX: >:/
N1NT3ND0: Moozilla is dumb stinky.
ZeroMX: Dont insult m MOOZILLA!
Stub: Dumb and stinky
ZeroMX throw rabid animals at Nin
N1NT3ND0: No, I meant dumb stinky.
N1NT3ND0 eats the rabid animals.
N1NT3ND0: Salty.
Stub: I meant dumb and stinky ;)
ZeroMX: Quit it ;_;
N1NT3ND0: Friend is here, so I must go.
*** N1NT3ND0 has signed off (Quit: )
ZeroMX: your hurting its destructive feelings
Stub: Okies, laters
Stub: Begin the invasion of PA
ZeroMX: Later Nin :P
Stub: Ah well
ZeroMX: Hmm, I think ill have a talk with the ruler of termite island for an alliance...
ZeroMX: Well be unbeatable!
Stub: My ducks will eat your termites for breakfast
Stub: literally. :)
ZeroMX: Not if they are fused with... Ham!! MWAHAHA!
ZeroMX: Err...
Stub: lol
Stub: NOO, NOT HAM! Poison, reaching heart... Dying breath... Curse you... (git).
ZeroMX: HaHA!...?
Stub: Unleash the flying munchkins!
ZeroMX unleashes vampire browneys to counteract munchkins
Stub: Do you ever get the feeling everyone else is ignoring you? :D
*** Kanaza has signed off (Quit: I'll be back after I wake myself up...my eyes don't like opening now.)
ZeroMX: XP
Stub: *Unleashes new-improved-limited-edition munchkins with blood poisoning*
Stub: *And some guns. Lots of guns*
ZeroMX using genetically modified corn, he makes. Flying cow utters that shoot acid!
Stub: "AHHH! It buuuuuurns! It buuuuuurns!
ZeroMX: >:D
Stub: Releases the robotic Robin Williams
Stub: !
Stub: Ummm...
Stub: HaHA! I am of course exploiting your phobia of comedy actors!
*** SymphoNinja has signed off (Ping timeout)
ZeroMX: My.....only....weakness....curse....youuuuuuu!
Stub: Heshootshescores!
Stub: lol
ZeroMX: *MOOZILLA gets in the way of robot robin willams to block his rays of comedy, therefore saving Zero! YAY!*
Stub: Hurray! I mean, damn!
ZeroMX: You thought you had me didnt you!
Stub: *Activates Robot Robin Williams Self Destruct Super Nuke*
*** SymphoNinja (~ehejijrou@DynastyNet-63259.dyn.optonline.net) joined #ssbrpg
ZeroMX tosses the actually carrot-top in front of Stub and takes cover
CommanderZim: Well I gtg
CommanderZim: later
*** CommanderZim has signed off (Quit: He doesn't DIE because he's ing Spider-Man! You !)
ZeroMX: later :P
Stub: Ycyas
Stub: lol, pemmy arcade!
ZeroMX: Was that carrot-top talking? O_O
Stub: Hehe
Stub: *teleports the robot to Canada and totally destroys it. For some reason*
ZeroMX: Those poor canadians u_u
Stub: They will be missed. Not by the explosion obviously
ZeroMX: XD
Stub: ;)
ZeroMX: Umm... Think we scared everyone away with this reanacment of the Moose-Duck-random creature War?
ZeroMX: :P
Stub: I think so
Stub: Well there are always casualties
ZeroMX: My MOOZILLA just couldnt help but step on so many taco-bells... :(
ZeroMX: HAHA! >:D
Symphonia^^ kills Stub.
Symphonia^^ then revives Stub.
Symphonia^^ then kills him again.
Stub: "Ow, I'm dead"
ZeroMX: XD
Stub: "Oh, nevermind"
Symphonia^^ continues the cycle. >=(
Stub: "Ahhh, whataworld"
Stub: "OW"
Stub: "OW
Stub: OW
Stub: OW
ZeroMX: Haha ^_^
Stub: Game over man. Game over
ZeroMX: All I did was destroy most of Jersey :P
Stub: Because you lack ambition. I aim to destroy the antarctic next, to rid the world of those smug penguins.
Stub: With their nay-saying and their wiles. They will pay.
Symphonia^^: NOOOO~
Symphonia^^ kills Stub.
Symphonia^^ revives Stub.
Stub: "Foiled again"
Symphonia^^ kills Stub.
ZeroMX: They have been looking at us funny... with those little yellow eyes...like some kind of bird...
Symphonia^^: >=(
ZeroMX: I mean.... I Love penguins!
Stub: (Of course i won't)
ZeroMX: Theyre so cute
Stub: Fools!
Symphonia^^: That's more like it. >=P
ZeroMX: and cuddlie
Stub: Uh oh, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet...
ZeroMX: and yummy
ZeroMX: err...
Symphonia^^ kills Zero and Stub.
Stub: lol
ZeroMX: X_x
Stub: With my dying... Breath... (Gives symphonia a one-fingered slate)
Stub: ;)
ZeroMX with his dying breath he.... eat a sammich...
Stub: *from beyond the grave* What kind of sammich?
ZeroMX: *made of a certain flightless antartic bird....
ZeroMX: ^_^
Stub: Excellent... Excellent. XD
ZeroMX: *Before he could take a bite, the bird pecks him to re-death*
Symphonia^^ revives Zero.
Symphonia^^ kills Zero.
Stub: You may have killed me, BUT MY DUCKS LIVE! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
ZeroMX: OWW! *dead* XP
Symphonia^^ uses the power of Canada and penguins to kill all of Stub's ducks.
Stub: Awwwwww...
ZeroMX: O_O
ZeroMX: Well, at least my mooses go untouched ^_^
Stub: Zero, release Blackzilla!
Symphonia^^ uses the power of Canada and penguins to kill all of Stub's Zero's mooses.
Symphonia^^ kills Blackzilla.
ZeroMX: NOO!!!!! *cries*
ZeroMX: Wait...
ZeroMX: MOOZILLA is immortal!
ZeroMX: *MOOZILLA is still in jersey*
ZeroMX: Yay!
Symphonia^^ kills MOOZILLA.
Symphonia^^: Oh, wait, even better...
ZeroMX: Youll have to do better than that! ^_^
ZeroMX: Hes stround than a million elk! ^_^\
Symphonia^^ throws MOOZILLA into space where he will suffer for eternity. >=D
Stub: *symphonia gets bitten by one of Stub's vampiric munchkins, infected by Zer0's vampire flapjacks*
ZeroMX: o_o
ZeroMX: X_x
Stub: *Or some kind of cake, I don';t know*
Symphonia^^: Muhaha. =P
*** MonkeyFeets (MonkeyFeet@66.52.14.DynastyNet-26101) joined #ssbrpg
ZeroMX: browneys :/
MonkeyFeets: I want some browneys!
Stub: They're vampiric you know
ZeroMX: Well then eat my vampire brownies!!!
Symphonia^^: Hey, MF!
Symphonia^^ advises you to stay away. <.<;;
MonkeyFeets: Browneys? Naw. The blood loss is TOTALLY unrelated.
ZeroMX: O_O
ZeroMX backs away slowly
Stub: O_o
Stub: lol
MonkeyFeets: Hey
Stub: Hi?
Symphonia^^ uses Holy Water on himself to remove Vampire status.
MonkeyFeets: I could've been here two-three hours earlier, but the guy who gives me a ride is stooopid!
MonkeyFeets: XD
ZeroMX: >_>
Symphonia^^ kills all of the vampiric munchkins and vampire brownies.
ZeroMX: ;_;
ZeroMX: I lovded them...
MonkeyFeets: You can still eat dead brownies.
Stub: Yay! The day is saved
MonkeyFeets feasts on the brownie corpses
ZeroMX: They would have liked it that way ;_;
Stub: Canada is already dead...
MonkeyFeets: Braindead!
ZeroMX: The moose you sent into space was canadian '_'
MonkeyFeets: Dum-dum-Ching!
Symphonia^^: So?
MonkeyFeets: I'm so funny...
ZeroMX: Hes a moose!
Symphonia^^: He's an evil Canadian. >=(
Stub: Hmm, ZOMBIE canada ey?
Symphonia^^: ...'Ey'.
Symphonia^^: Wtf does that mean. <.<;;
Stub: Ey
MonkeyFeets: I'm half-Canadian, so I only say 'eh' after half my sentences.
MonkeyFeets: Du-du-ching!
Stub: lol
MonkeyFeets: God, I'm funny.
ZeroMX gets into spaceship and retreaves MOOZILLA and unleashes him onto...the indian ocean!
Stub: i'm british, so really all i do is drink tea
MonkeyFeets: Moozilla? Some one has toooo much time on their hands...
Stub: It's an ok life
Symphonia^^ makes an indestructible cage around MOOZILLA so he will never escape. >=<
ZeroMX: XP
MonkeyFeets: Actually, I'm half-British
ZeroMX: X/
Symphonia^^ is half-Chinese. <.<;;
Stub: Half british half canadian? That's just crazy! You're crazy!
ZeroMX: Hmm... darn... I see no way around that one >_<
MonkeyFeets: No.
MonkeyFeets: Just Half-British
Stub: Half chinese?! It's too darn crazy around here!
MonkeyFeets: Long story. Don't ask.
Stub: Ok
Stub: :)
Symphonia^^: =P
Stub: I'm 1/8 italian, so I'm hairy like a dog.
Stub: ...
Stub: Anyway, mocing swiftly on
MonkeyFeets: Though my mom's a mix of a bunch of "white" races, so I'm, like, 7/53s Canadian.
ZeroMX: Im mexican so I would have to like, umm... burritos?
MonkeyFeets: *moving
Symphonia^^ is an eighth Irish. 8)
Stub: Damn straight you would. Eat that burrito, or moozilla gets itQ
MonkeyFeets: Aww...
*** RCat (RCAT@206.228.155.DynastyNet-53299) joined #ssbrpg
ZeroMX: He cant get it. Hes stuck in an indistructable cage >_>
MonkeyFeets: No need for racial slurs involving threatening cows.
Stub: Hellooooooo
RCat: !halfop
*** Mode change "+h RCat" on #ssbrpg by ClumsyRobot
ZeroMX: Hes a moose ^_^
MonkeyFeets: Wow, that was an odd sentence to say as someone entered...
Stub: lol
RCat: XD
MonkeyFeets: Hey, RCat
Stub: But hte secret of the custard is in the inside of the flaming penguins...
RCat is in a good mood, since he found free and legal NES emulation. Which means he can play TMNT games! :DD
Symphonia^^: Hey, RCat! ^^
MonkeyFeets: ...neat. XD
Stub: Interesting... Which site did you say this was?
ZeroMX: Penguins are just hidding theyre deadlyness behind a curtain of utter cuteness :)
RCat: Hold on, I'll fetch a link.
http://www.consoleclassix.com/ Stub: They must be destroyed, for the prosperity of mankind
Stub: Thanks, I'll go there now
MonkeyFeets: I just found out that my friend and one of her friends was planning to make up some online comic strip.
Stub: Cool
MonkeyFeets: Which invlolves characters based on them in a Catholic Boarding School.
RCat: However, it has SNES and Genesis games, but you need to pay a monthly fee in order to play those.
*** Mode change "+v MonkeyFeets" on #ssbrpg by RCat
*** Mode change "+v SymphoNinja" on #ssbrpg by RCat
MonkeyFeets: And, I believe, should have Time & Space Travel 101 as a class. XD
Stub: Hehe
Symphonia^^ kills Stub and Zero. >=(
Stub: i'm doing one for my website, but I'm rather hoping someone who can actually draw will make one
ZeroMX: X_x
Stub: Does your friend need someone to host their comic?
RCat: Penguins are teh cute, but they are deadly. *Doom*
MonkeyFeets: Not sure.
MonkeyFeets: Its really a working idea as of now.
ZeroMX: Can I speak ill of their evil twins? The penguons?
Stub: How about i give you my email, so you can give it to them if they want to?
MonkeyFeets: Okies
Stub: alright...
MonkeyFeets: coolchu89@yahoo.com
Stub: cunningasafox@msn.com
MonkeyFeets: erm...
MonkeyFeets: I read your thing wrong. XD
Stub: Hehe, no worries. I'll get your as well. :)
Symphonia^^: ...XD;;
MonkeyFeets: !!!!!!
Stub: Noo, he's too powerful!
Symphonia^^ kills MF, then. >.>;;
MonkeyFeets was just a dummy. You don't know where the REAL MF is.
ZeroMX: Yay! I didnt die this time!
ZeroMX: Im so happy. ;_;
Symphonia^^ uses his super tracking device to find the REAL MF and then kills him. =P
Symphonia^^ kills Zero. =P
RCat decides to stay out of it, sicne he usually ruins the fun. :P
MonkeyFeets cannot be TRACKED! HA!
ZeroMX: X(
MonkeyFeets dresses up RCat as himself. XD
Symphonia^^: But it's a SUPER TRACKING DEVICE. It can find anything.
ZeroMX: How about polar bears? The must be evil in some way!
Symphonia^^: Polar bears, you can kill them. =P
Stub: Kill them. Just to be on the safe side
RCat is strangled by the small clothing.
MonkeyFeets: You know what's REALLY evil? Pie.
Symphonia^^: No, mieces.
ZeroMX: *Kills pie*
Symphonia^^ loves that word. Xd
Symphonia^^: XD*
Stub: Yes. That's why it must be eaten at every opportunity
Symphonia^^: Mieces.
MonkeyFeets: Stupid Mr. I-read-the-real-world-posts.
Symphonia^^: omr liek u dew?
ZeroMX: I would kill polar bears, but there is no proff of their evil deeds.... Penguins on the other hand...
RCat: I can't help it that your weak and small clothes cannot be worn by someone as mighty and large as me! MWA HA HA HA HA!
Symphonia^^ kills Zero.
Symphonia^^: >=(
ZeroMX: XO
Stub: ah well, I must go. Bed beckons, so sweetly and seductively
Symphonia^^ is small yet mighty. =D
Stub: good night. I'll be sure to kill some penguins on the way to my room
ZeroMX: Later duck lord!
Stub: Good night. Moose Man!
MonkeyFeets: Well, I am an all-powerful mage of doom and destruction and you can be nothing more than a meatshield. So there.
*** Stub has left #ssbrpg
ZeroMX: X_x
MonkeyFeets: ...I was talking to RCat. XD
RCat: Fool! Has Onslaught taught you nothing!?!?!?
RCat: Size = POWER!
ZeroMX: Yeah well.....mooses rule... so there >:P
MonkeyFeets: Has Final Fantasy taught you nothing?
Symphonia^^ kills Zero.
MonkeyFeets: Mages bend the rules of time and space!
MonkeyFeets: MWAHAAAHAA!
ZeroMX: X_x _>
MonkeyFeets: Few even PLAY that anymore!
ZeroMX: Nya
RCat: But you can't use them if you are KOed.
RCat: Foolish Black Mage.
MonkeyFeets: I'm going by FF:CC rules.
Bumpty^^: No, you have to have them equipped.
Bumpty^^: But you didn't.
MonkeyFeets: And I suppose I'll take back the PILES of votes I, erm, voted for you, RCat.
Bumpty^^: You had ATTACKS OF ULTIMATE DOOM equipped.
MonkeyFeets: Make your foolish cronies retreat, or else!
ZeroMX: Mooses slink away unnoticed...
ZeroMX: *