You aren’t crazy for wanting what hasn’t even occurred to them to want.
You aren’t crazy for needing what they would only deem a luxury.
You aren’t crazy for demanding that circumstances yield to you, instead of the other way around.
And you aren’t crazy for taking what it means to be human, and turning it upside down.
You aren’t crazy for trying.
Crazy for loving.
Crazy for caring.
And you certainly aren’t crazy for living.
You aren’t crazy for your spontaneity.
Or your seemingly flighty ways.
You aren’t crazy for your unkept laugh.
Or how you choose to spend your days.
You aren’t crazy if you change your mind.
You aren’t crazy if you can’t decide.
You aren’t crazy if you care too much.
Or if you just don’t care at all.
You aren’t crazy for exploring
You aren’t crazy for desiring
You aren’t crazy for being unapologetically selfish
And you aren’t crazy for only wanting the wildest, most exquisite, most exhilarating, heart-throbbingly unforgettable, top shelf experience this life has to offer.
But let them call you crazy
Because what they call crazy…
…is what they’re afraid to do themselves.
And I am certain
That in this one precious life
The crazies…
…not the cowards…