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Chapter 0 - Prologue
Long ago, the eight races of Aria Te'laria once lived together in complete harmony. They eventually unearthed eight mythical gems that were named Ristaccia. Every race held one piece of Ristaccia, offered prayers to it, and asked for protection. In return, Ristaccia continued bringing them many blessings and miracles. They quickly developed consciousness, a sense of self and a variety of different emotions.
But peace could not last forever. With these new emotions came negative feelings, such as greed and hatred. Finally, a war among the eight races broke out. The races inserted the eight pieces of Ristaccia into weapons to fight each other. The power of Ristaccia was so great that it quickly extinguished six races from that planet, and the whole civilization of mankind almost died out completely.
After the war, only two races remained, although even they had lost most of their people.
One race was the "Rufina". They were the most intelligent race in that world. In order to live forever, they created a memeplex named "Sigma" and sealed themselves off from the world. Sigma slept deep underground for centuries, waiting for the day she would be awakened by a perfect transcendental being.
The other race was called the "Humina". Fully aware of the power of the Ristaccia, they knelt before it and offered their prayers just like before. They asked for the prosperity of their race and the flourishing of the planet. As time passed, a religion was formed. The center of which was the Holy Kingdom of Noigallado, which is now the largest and the most powerful kingdom in the world.
A holy sword named "Trisagion" is the symbol of this religion. It is said to have been born out of a piece of Ristaccia.
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The Epic of Zektbach - For the English Speaker )
Chapter 1a - Turii
Once upon a time, the eight pieces of Ristaccia were found, and the eight races that held the secret power of Ristaccia awakened. To balance the distorted stream of energy, the planet had been forced into action by Ristaccia. Finally, a mystical giant tree was born on the island of Turii. Under that giant tree once lived a special race, "People of the Stars." They had no knowledge of the other eight races, nor the Ristaccia. They simply lived peacefully and quietly.
Different from the other eight, they did not have (qualia) or sexuality. They were completely locked out of the gate called "Mutation." Therefore, they could never bring imbalance to the world or ever be imbalanced. They kept their population stable and, together with the giant tree, they had the power of balance to counter Ristaccia's chaos power.
Due to their existence, the planet was preserved from destruction after the Ristaccia War. The power of balance at last restored the once ruined earth. All chaos was restored to great harmony.
But harmony can never last forever. An unexpected turn of events destroyed the last hope for this planet.
Long, long ago, before the era of Nox and Matin, on the Eastern continent of "Eijeek", there was once a kingdom named "Masinowa." In that country, there was an academy called "Sazaragi", which mainly conducted reasearch on prehistoric civilizations and lost ancient technology. Sazaragi had sent out many thieves to explore the ruins of the world. If they could find something precious, they were rewarded a large sum of money.
In order to become a millionaire, a young thief decided to try his luck. He started his journey to Turii island, hoping to find hidden treasure there. After he landed, he found a drowning girl. He tried his best to save her, and succeeded. He thought he had done a good thing, but unexpectedly he had started a change in mankind's history that would change the whole world...
Relevant Video:
Turii ~Panta Rhei~(
The Epic of Zektbach - For the English Speaker )
外伝 『ギジリ伝』- Epic of Zektbach Gaiden “Legend of Giziri”
小高い丘の斜面に貧しい民家が寄りそうように密集する集落――ジャコツ。 荒れた土地、小さな畑、集落の脇には牛馬の死体が積み重ねられ異臭が放たれていた。 少年はそこで生まれた。 生まれながらの『不浄なる者』として――。 丘を降り川を挟んだ平野部には大きな屋敷と大きな畑が並ぶ別の集落コノハナがあった。 川に橋は架けられていたが、ジャコツの者達がそれを渡る事は許されなかった。 ある時、コノハナから綺麗な格好をした親子連れが橋を渡ってやってきた。 ムラの者は皆地面に頭をこすりつけるよう平伏し、彼らの顔を見ようともしなかった。 コノハナの者はムラの長に何かを指図しているようであった。 痩せた畑で農作業をしていた少年は木陰から親に付き添う一人の少女を盗み見た。 見たこともない鮮やかな衣服をまとい、とても綺麗で艶のある黒髪の少女――。 ムラでは見られない清らな姿に少年は一瞬にして虜になり、無意識のうちに少女に近づいた。 少女の父親はその様子を見て激怒した。 『カガチの分際で何をしておる!これ以上近寄るな!娘が汚れるではないか!』 ムラに怒号が響き渡り、皆の顔から一斉に血の気が引いた。 少年の父親が急いで駆け寄り、息子を勢いよく叩きはじめた。 『お許し下せえ!こいつはオラからよく言い聞かせます!何卒お許し下せえ!』 まだ幼い少年には分からなかった。 何故父親は自分を叩くのか? 何故皆はひどく恐れた顔をしているのか? そして、なぜ少女は蔑んだ眼差しで自分を見ているのか――。 それから数年後――成長した少年はムラの立場をおぼろげながらも理解するようになった。 このムラの者達は皆カガチジンと呼ばれ、不浄の者の血を引いているのだと――。 しかし、少年は差別はそれだけで起るものとは決して思わなかった。 ムラの者達は怠慢なだけだ、学問や礼儀も得ようとせず全て宿命だからと決めつける。 カガチの者は志が低く身なりさえも整えようとしない――だから蔑まれるのだ。 自分が立派な人間になれば、コノハナの人々も認めてくれるはずだ。 そう思った少年はあらゆる努力を惜しまず自分を磨く事にした。 ほんの少しでいい。ほんの少しでもあの少女に認めて欲しかった。 剣術は卓越したものとなり、ムラの連中と違い学問の素養も礼儀作法も身につけた。 一度で良いから彼女と話したい、笑顔をもらいたい。 自分が立派な人間になればきっと分かってくれる。 しかし――どんなに頑張っても橋の向こう側――ヤマジジンと同じにはなれなかった ――。 少女の口から開かれた最後の言葉。 『二度と近寄らないで…汚らわしいカガチの分際で…』 少女の蔑んだ目はもう変わる事はないだろう 差別と貧困からなる負の連鎖はどこまでも続くだろう いつからカガチは人としての誇りを失ってしまったのだろう 誰かが断ち切らねばならぬ―― 誰かが滅せねばならぬ―― 呪われた過去と未来を―― 滅せねば―― 少年はムラに火を放った。 ゼクトバッハ叙事詩外伝『ギジリ伝』より
My translation: Nestled on a small hillside, there was a poor cottage in a crowded village - Jakotsu. It had rough soil, small fields, there was a stench of the corpses of cattle piled at the side of the village The boy was born here. He was also born with the status of “filth.” At the plains where the river flows down between the hill, there was a large estate and huge plantation belonging to Konohana, a village facing Jakotsu. The bridge was suspended over the river, but the people of Jakotsu were not permitted to cross over. One time, from Konohana a child with a beautiful appearance came across the bridge lead by her parents. The people of the village kneeled down and pressed their head on the ground before them, unable to see their faces. It seems the Konohana’s chief had orders for the village to make something,. The boy who labored at that infertile farm, peeped at the girl who was under the shade of a tree, attended by her parents. He never seen someone with such vivid clothes, the girl’s black hair was very gorgeous and glossy. At the village, for a moment the elegant forbidden beauty captivated the boy. Without thinking, he approached the girl. Seeing this, the father became enraged. “With the status of Kagachi, what do you think you’re doing! Don’t you dare come closer! You will not make my daughter dirty! ” The angry bellow resounded through the whole village, and the face of every villager became pale at once. The boy’s father quickly began to beat his son thoroughly. “Please, forgive him! I will really teach this whelp a lesson. Please, I beg of you forgive him!” Still, the boy still did not understand. For what reason does my father punish me? Why does everyone make that terrified face? And, why does that girl look at me with such contemptuous eyes? Then, a few years later, the now grown boy only vaguely understands the situation of the village. The people of this village can summon Kagachi, which means impure blood flows … But, the boy never thought that discrimination happened on its own. The people of the village were just lazy; they decided because of fate that it was best not to seek things like education and refinement. If only he became a refined person, the people of Konohana should approve of him. It was because [the people of] Kagachi were unwilling to adjust their low personal appearance that they were scorned. The boy thought, he decided to put all his effort into becoming a better person. It did little good, but he wanted recognition from that girl. I will become superior at Kenjustu, and I may also learn many different studies and etiquette. Once, it would be nice to talk with her, and have her smile… When I become a distinguished man, surely she’d understand me. But, no matter how hard he tried to get to the other side of the bridge, he could not become the same as a Omifushisama[? person of the mountain? ] The mouth of the girl held these last words. “Stay away from me, again…filty low-class Kagachi…” It’s likely that the girl’s cruel eyes will never change… No matter where he goes, the chain of poverty and discrimination will probably continue. Most likely, from then Kagachi’s pride as a human being was lost Someone must be sliced apart Someone must be destroyed… If the curse of both past and future was extinguished… Destroyed… The boy set fire to the village. From Epic of Zektbach Gaiden “Legend of Giziri” (Sorry for any incorrectness in it, I’m not that advanced in the language yet, but I tried to make up for it by proofreading and researching the heck outta it…feel free to correct me where needed C: )
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Kagachi(As translated by
stelmariaone7 )