Don't bother reading this lol

May 01, 2009 18:36

Well, three more days until finals. I have a bunch of stuff to do by midnight (i.e., in the next five hours), but I'll get it done.

I was thinking earlier about possibly redoing p2 (and maybe p3) from scratch by myself over the summer, just to see if I could actually handle and maintain all that code. It's just a thought, but it would be interesting. If I have nothing better to do, I will probably at least do p2.

I also want to take the AMC12/AIME on my own (with the same official restraints) just to see if I've mentally degraded or if I'd actually be capable of getting a non-shitty score now. (Not qualifying for the USAMO = quite shitty)

By the way, I'm at least a week late on this, but I noticed one day that all the trees outside suddenly had leaves. Where the fuck did they come from? Do they really grow that fast?

Oh and I still need a job. >_> I find it rather unfortunate that most jobs require you to have an intimate relationship with at least one of the following: Java, C++, MySQL, Python. I might just have to suck it up and start using C++. I mean, I basically already know it; I just don't feel comfortable saying that I'm especially good with it because I'm not familiar with many of its stupid intricacies, and I don't think that anybody is really "good" at programming in some language until they know it inside and out. In any case, I don't mention it on my resume. I could, but... ehh.

Oh shit, I should probably finish start that book report for OS. lol brb
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