NAME & USERNAME: [Name] Sho Minamimoto // [Username] Leo Cantus
SERIES: The World Ends With You
HIGH/MID/LOW LEVEL?: High with even higher hacked stats. This is mostly in his defense stats, though, as the class does have a lower defense.
PERSONALITY: Egotistical, arrogant, loud (he has a megaphone at the ready), a math genius (and for Hypnagogy, a computer science genius), has a touch of the crazy, and likes to make art out of garbage. Junk heap piles that he calls a “calculated form” of art. He obviously has a bit of a different sense when it comes to the aesthetics. His artistic “abilities” would undoubtedly continue through with graffiti or sculpting. Sho actually uses scraps of metal and actual small piles of junk in his attacks (he hacked it) as opposed to pure magic spells. Most of his attacks are dark elemental.
As said before, he likes math. A lot. And will use math terms in nearly every sentence if possible. He also uses it as a sort of method of showing that he is better than you. It’s like being a cool, hot nerd. In his Hypnagogy verse, he also will use programming language coupled with math. He will either write messages in either programming code or math equations, or quite possibly both. So most of the time, people have no clue what the hell he is saying, though it’s his way of saying “I am smarter than you.”
He also doesn’t follow orders very well. He’s an independent type of guy and will do what he wants to do and however he wants to do it. And he will try to do it perfectly. So if things don’t go according to plan or something is annoying him, he will throw a bit of a fit (and by bit, I mean rage) and be in disbelief.
Probably his biggest weakness would be his own ego. As he never listens to others unless it would be to his own advantage, he usually takes more risks than would be advised. He bargains that his calculations and ideas are always correct or flawless when in actuality that is not always so.
Flaws and imperfection would certainly irk him. If it’s not done right, he will most certainly either try to fix it or just redo entirely. He also hates the idea of losing or being weaker than someone else, which is also one of his main drives for putting a lot of risk in everything he does. He will also pursue his goals by whatever means necessary, even if it means following his target to another city or server. However, he can also assume things incorrectly and thus find himself in a disadvantageous position. In short, he overestimates everything he does and this ultimately becomes his downfall.
It should also be noted that while his attacks are pretty damaging, since they are hacked and modded, they are also not perfect (much to his frustration). First off, he has yet to figure out how to get a true one hit KO skill (as in an attack that does the ultimate maximum damage that could destroy a max leveled GM in one shot). His attacks also have limits and any of his high leveled skills will make himself glitch for a couple of seconds, so he can’t spam them. Also, while he hacked his stats, he’s not invincible. He can “teleport” but within a small space and if he uses it too much he starts to glitch and stall, leaving him very vulnerable. Knowing that, he tries to hit hard and fast to quickly annihilate his enemies, but that also results in faster energy depletion. He does have a high endurance since he upped his defense stats (the biggest weakness of his class), so it will still take a lot of good hard hits to get him. He’s more associated to the dark elements as well, so anything opposite that is also his weakness.
Aside from the major glitching that occurs whenever he uses his hacked skills after a certain amount (detailed below), it should be noted that he’ll also glitch and take more damage when more than one person hits him at once (like a combo hit), especially when they are around his same level or higher. To counter this he tries to pick fights when there are only one or two people, but he’ll try and evade via teleportation. The area is relatively small (15 squares), and he can only teleport every 5 seconds. If he teleports more than five times within one minute, he will stagger and be vulnerable for five seconds. He can move, but his stats and powers will be weakened.
As stated before, none of his mid and high level skills are really spammable due to the glitches and faster energy depletion, but he can spam one skill that does the same damage as a normal projectile and its accuracy is average at best. It’s his only normal non-hacked attack, and all he does is basically fire lightning elemental orbs. Five rounds every 45 seconds. It’s more of a standard annoying attack than dealing any actual real damage.
For those skills that do the heavy hitting, the most damaging skill he has takes off up to half of the person’s total health. All others take off one fourth total health. For example, if the person’s health was originally 1000, if Sho were to use the most damaging one, it could drop it to 500, and all other high level hacked attacks would do up to 250 damage. There is also a time delay of one minute between each mid- to high- level skill as well as a charge up time of three seconds, with his most powerful attack taking five. All of his spells can be interrupted, especially the ones take a long time to charge up. Also, while most of them are targeted to the player, that doesn’t mean they automatically hit. The player has a chance to escape the “target”. There is another thing of importance to note: there is a success/fail rate for his ultimate attack. I’ll probably use a dice or a coin, but basically if, for example I used a 6-sided dice, if the number is 4-6, then the attack will do full damage. If it’s less than 1-3, then it will only do half damage.
After using three high leveled skills in a row, this is when Sho will be temporarily vulnerable because of the glitches. Basically what happens is for 5-10 seconds, he’ll be unable to move and his character’s avatar will graphically glitch. His stats will be halved and he cannot counterattack, only defend. If this happens again, the stats will be dropped even more.
The only stipulation regarding all of this is when against real newbie players, like those who have really low stats and health to begin with. They are the ones who could probably be PK'ed with one shot, even without the hacked skills just from the sheer level difference alone. But that's of course with player permission and if that's a no go, he would just do a lot of damage that could nearly kill them. I imagine the higher leveled characters (those in the mid- and high- range) would actually stand more of a chance and would definitely not be killed in an instant because of their stats and health.
Sho in general can dish a lot of damage, but with heavy setbacks. He is in general unstable because of the hacked mods he has on himself so he's also careful on who and when he fights someone (though it's not unheard of for him to bite off more than he can chew and having enough sense to run). He doesn't go out and actively seeks people to PK, usually only doing so if someone has entered his turf or annoyed him enough. He's more of an "annoy/belittle others and carry on with his business" than actually going out to pick fights.
AU BACKGROUND: Born and raised in Japan, Sho is an eighteen year-old math genius with a ridiculously high IQ and has already gone through high school, graduating at the age of sixteen, and didn’t bother with college. Why? He was already off getting himself jobs with programming for various tech companies.
There was just one problem with that: it was boring and he found the people to be annoying and worthless. He felt he could rise to the top. He also had the notion that all of the programs out there were complete garbage, and with his own self absorbed obsession with perfection and creating the “perfect program”, he started on his own endeavors to alter and change all the “flawed” programs to fit his tastes. And soon he started creating his own type of coding.
But after half of year of hacking into various highly secured systems and creating viruses, that sense of perfected beauty through the bits of binary of computer programming possessed him. Sho wanted to “recreate” himself and not only take over the world of computers, but also be part of it himself. He knew if he could do that, the world would be in the palm of his hand and he would be able to alter everything to as he saw fit.
He could become like God.
When he heard about the incidents occurring in the game Sol Invictus, particularly the Vagrant A.I., Sho immediately started researching and bought the game. This was a year ago, and within the first few weeks he had already broken through most of the game’s programming had mod-hacked his character to already be in the higher tier, upping his stats to better balance himself and be closer to “perfection”. He has also hacked his character’s avatar so that it actually looked closer to himself; or rather the image he one day hope to obtained.
Ever since then, Sho has been going around hacking dungeons and fields. He would create new monsters or hack the ones already there to become higher leveled. He would also alter the dungeons, causing some of them to “glitch”. These were what he considered as artistic masterpieces, changing them to fit his own tastes. They were also experiments in attempt to “perfect” his own calculations on how to create his own area (detailed below), but it would also help rid other players that he found to be useless and worthless variables. He would also personally PK anyone who wandered too close to his “masterpieces”.
As mentioned before, Sho is also trying to create his own ultimate masterpiece: a world within Sol Invictus that was completely of his own design and tastes. He actually created a new field and dungeon, and while it is still incomplete, with each area he hacks and alters, another piece of the area is also created. And it looks like one giant junkyard with metal scraps and junk piles all over the place. His dungeon is actually something he refers to as a “Refinery Sigil”, and at the center there is something looks like some sort of magic circle with programming encryptions. That is where he plans to execute the eventual and ultimate “data drain” on himself and where he would respawn. If anyone even managed to guess the correct keywords, Sho would immediately warp in and PK them. If the hacked high level monsters didn’t get them first.
That’s how it stands as of today. Having moved to Hypnagogy to be closer to the main central servers, Sho is still trying to complete the ultimate equation that would allow him to become a living entity within the game and through it continue on to his ultimate goal. He had been staying relatively under the radar as he was building up his work, but now that he is at a “stable” level, he has made his presence better known. Leaving cryptic messages on the message board and sometimes spamming a person’s pm box to cause their account to crash, he has taken larger steps to his planned take over.
And the players are now his active guinea pigs.
A note on when I play Sho on the messageboard: Almost all of his posts will be some sort of program code puzzle. This is pretty much similar to when he gave out the missions in his game where he'll give players a problem and they have to figure it out. Whether they do or don't, he'll PK them, but he will focus more on those who are actually close to where he is than anyone way out there.
I will post solutions to the problems in this journal and will have an ooc note to link to it. All comments are screened. Anyone who wants to try and answer them or wants the answer right off the bat will just have to comment. Then anyone can publicly release the solution if they want :O I'll try to give hints and not make them too complex (because I'll kill my brain if I do).
It should be noted that the puzzles can vary between Java programming, HTML, binary, normal math equations, riddles with the keywords, pseudocode, and just made up code that I come up with that could represent Sho's OWN programming code that's he's trying to create.