[Character Name] Sho Minamimoto (aka that one boss)
[Canon] The World Ends With You
[Point Taken from Canon] after being squished teehee.
[Age] 18
[Gender] male.
[Sexual Orientation] mathsexual.
[Eye Color] yellow.
[Hair Color] gray-brown-mess.
[Height] ~5'10"-11"
[Other] he's covered in
crazy Taboo tattoo things.
thug life. except not at all
Sho is a Reaper in, shock and surprise -- the Reaper's Game. His place in it is revealed in a spectacularly nonlinear fashion in canon, but here we shall look at it properly. It's inferred through other characters' mentions of him that Sho is a little bit nuts about his job. His coworkers think he's a "loose cannon," because he has a tendency to play by his own rules and only barely keep up with the rules of the Game. Despite this (or perhaps because of it), he is really, really good at his job. Which is Erasing people. He's enthusiastic.
Sometime before the game starts, Sho decides he wants to be Composer. Because he's a bizarre genius, he manages to figure out what the Composer, Joshua, looks like in the RG -- and hunts him down to try to kill him. They face off with Neku in the middle, and Sho winds up taking a hit and then getting out of there, leaving Joshua to shoot Neku and bring us to where canon starts.
Sho doesn't show up until Week 2, but it can be assumed that he's somewhere either a) biding his time, or b) still being really good at Erasing people. Because he's very thorough about his job, he winds up being made a GM in said second week of the Game -- the youngest GM in the weeks of canon, and possibly the youngest GM ever. It's vague. Either way: someone decided it was a good idea to put Sho in control of things.
The first thing he does is build junk sculptures that confuse the hell out of Neku (aaand not so much Joshua, but) before Sho actually appears to talk to them. And by "talk," we mean "insult mercilessly." With math. He carries a megaphone around and is ceaselessly rude to Neku and Joshua, in math terms that Neku can't understand other than the tone, and then wanders off again. At a few instances, he drops lines in math speak that are uncannily appropriate to the idea that he knows Joshua is the Composer; Joshua just smugs at him and later tells Neku that Sho is probably into him, and Neku for whatever reason never questions the actual reason the GM keeps turning up.
At one point in Week 2, he steals 777's microphone because he feels like it. The most annoying mission in the entire game is centered around this moment. For most of the week, however, he's missing. Other Reapers comment that he's MIA, and Neku stops getting missions because Sho is supposed to be issuing them -- but instead he's off learning how to summon Taboo Noise (thanks for that, Mr. H). He sends Taboo Noise after Josh and Neku, insults them a bit more, and finally gets to the end of the week. Once he's defeated, he goes for his last resort and triggers a Level i Flare, which seemingly erases both himself and Joshua. So, he vanishes -- buuuut is brought back by a refinery symbol in an obscure location in the third week (again: props, H). He turns up in the endgame, looking much more Taboo than before, and taunts the assembled protagonists and Konishi before heading off to face the Composer.
The next time we see him, he's crushed under his own junk pile and a vending machine, because Joshua doesn't tolerate that much nonsense, even if he does say that he keeps Sho around almost entirely because his bizarre over-the-top antics are entertaining.
Whether or not Sho actually is erased at the end of the game is unclear, but he is at the very least defeated.
Sho is arrogant, loud, and really not afraid of putting anyone and everyone in their place. He is pretty convinced that everything he does is not only right, but perfect in every conceivable way. In Sho's eyes, the world is garbage, and if his personal mission to improve it consists mainly of making junk heaps and doing math? Well, that's the method that will fix everything, then. He views mathematics as perfect and beautiful, and claims his junk heap "sculptures" are perfectly calculated and exist as part of his attempts to beautify the world. Through math. Sho really likes math. He cannot actually go through a conversation without making a mathematical reference; if he isn't shouting about it, it's lucky.
Not only does he integrate his math terms into almost everything he says, he also uses math to insult people -- especially when they can't understand what he's saying. He thinks anyone with inferior math skills is therefore an inferior being, and makes a point to tell them so in equally convoluted mathspeak. For all that he seems like a bratty, know-it-all math nerd (which he. is.), Sho's insufferably arrogance and confidence in himself is not for naught. He's actually really, really good at his job, and just happens to do it so efficiently that he has incredible Reaper stats, enough free time to laze around doing arts and crafts, and is a respected Reaper officer (aaand the youngest GM).
Why is Sho good at what he does despite seemingly exerting minimal effort? Because he is, in addition to cocky and loud, very obsessive. This is the most clearly evidenced in his fixation on math, his junk heaps to a lesser extent, and his personal belief that "the world is garbage" coupled with his unyielding quest to change it to what he thinks it should be. When he dedicates himself to something he really gets into it, gets attached, and refuses to do anything less than 200%. Not bad for a supposedly lazy, "woops we lost the GM" kind of guy.
In terms of his interpersonal relationships, other than insulting people with math, Sho is close to intolerable. If he wasn't a complete perfectionist and rigidly efficient, it would probably not be worth it to keep him as a Reaper, because he's that grating. He blatantly disrespects his superiors, calling his coworkers and bosses alike nicknames and picking on them, too, when they slip up on "simple" math. Or anything else, really. When he meets a new person he automatically assumes their inferiority until proven otherwise (and boy, is it hard to get to the "amused by you in a positive way" level), and makes sure they know about it. When he calls people names, he really isn't in it for their specific reaction -- unless it opens a window for him to get in a few more math jabs. Sho is incredibly self-centered in this way; Sho likes Sho, and not really anyone else. He thinks he's the best and that he deserves better than everyone else, and doesn't stop to reconsider trying to get everything he wants because of his obsessively determined nature.
A last thing to know about Sho is that he is actually as smart as he presents himself. All that math? Yes, he does know what it means. Despite Joshua's claim during the endgame that Sho was only kept around because he knows how to keep things interesting, one has to keep in mind that he did betray just about everyone who trusted him even an ounce, and up until the unfortunate end he did it well. Sneaking around plotting to kill the Composer while acting as GM, after discovering the Composer's RG identity which had been very well-hidden: not the easiest thing to do, and he had all the other Reapers fooled the entire time. He's clever and confident and not afraid of getting his hands dirty to get what he wants -- and when he wants, he wants big. It makes him a little bit dangerous.
And the math part is just confusing to most people.
[Specialties/Abilities] MAAATH. also teleporting and shooting energy bursts at people like a dick. and healing himself.
[Affection] Sho doesn't understand physical affection at all, so go wild with hugs/touchyfeely nonsense. He'll be weirded out and, depending on who it is, possibly smack them. Don't expect him to reciprocate.
[Fighting] I legitimately expect him to inspire punching in everyone he talks to, SO. Be warned: he's annoyingly hard to catch, hard to wear down, and pretty much just irritatingly resilient. And good at fighting. But mostly: have at, he deserves it. Don't kill him without my permission though. :c
[Other Permissions] Um. Don't break his fourth wall, I guess. Mind readers: it would be like reading the mind of a calculator. Go for it if you want to wade through intense math.
[Other Facts] math.