(no subject)

Apr 14, 2006 23:22

i stole this survey from winston01 who stole it from 2bass


^What's the color of the clothes your wearing? black, blue, green, cammoness-grey, purple, yello, red, green..
^What's the color of your bathing suit? Black/green/blue
^What's your favorite color? bright green or black
^What's the color of your font on xanga? I dont speak its name
^What's the color of your font on AIM? Dark blue-ish
^What's the color of your pillows? red cover!
^Your floor? Bright sky blue
^The car you drive in the most? jeep
^The toolbar? i get whisky
^Your patio? just there
^Your beach towel? purple pink and light purple
^Your nails? chiny pink.. and ones painted green, cause it can be
^The nearest object? keybord under my fingers
^The nearest stapler? black..and out of sight
^A book you just finished reading? tho shalt not dump the skater dude (IGNORE IT)
^Your eyes? Blue
^Your hair?. Red
^Your desk lamp or bed lamp? blue
^Your toilet seat? white
^The nearest rug? persain looking
^Your jewelry? silver earings and necklaces with a green guitarpic on it
^The last umbrella you used? it was either bright pink or bright Florest green and has the name of some hair product on it... and there pretty awsome...

x: are you a deep or light sleeper?: Both
x: do you have a fixed bedtime or do you go whenever your tired?: Whenever
x: what size is your bed?: Twin
x: do you share it with anyone?: no
x: how many pillows?: 5?
x: do you have stuffed toys on your bed?: no
x: do you ever wake up in the middle of the night?: sometimes when i have disturbing dreams
x: did you know that everyone has at least several dreams per night?: you know i do! i was obsessed with dreams for a while.. i have books on dreams..
x: do you remember your dreams?: Yep and i anilise them cause its fun
x: describe your last most vivid dream?: Yeah there was apperntly a tornado comming and i was all scared and stuff because everyone left town.. then there was a fcreepy guy outside the window.. and he was all " let me in" and i was like fuck no i dont know who you are" and was creepted out.. theres more.. but thats all i need to share
x: do you often have nightmares?: sometimes
x: what was the last nightmare you had?: the banging thing

x: do you own your own computer or is it a family computer?: Family
x: are you good with computers?: yeah i supose
x: do you have your own mobile phone or phone line?: i have a cell phone yes.
x: what kind of TV do you own?: no idea
x: DVD player?: yes
x: VCR?: Yes.
x: hair dryer?: Yes.
x: hair straighteners/curling tongs?: curler

x: are you a vegetarian or a carnivore?: vegitarian!
x: what are your favourite foods?: i dont have one.
x: where is your favourite restaurant?: in america
x: fast food restaurant?: that one taco bell next to arbys.. cause r works there
x: do you eat out often?: eh
x: what is your favourite ice cream flavour?: vanilla currently
x: italian or chinese?: chinese
x: what is your favourite drink?: water
x: do you drink alcohol?: no not like everyday, on special occasion maybe some whine.. but you get the point

x: are you an animal person?:kindof
x: do you have any?: 3 birds, a cat, a dog, fish
x: what are your favourite animals?: dog or maybe an alligator... as long as i cant smell them.. ever.
x: if you could tame any animal what would it be?: wild savage so they
x: what animals are you scared of?: not alot really.. maybe uhm...
x: do you like rodents?: depends on if there ugly and loosing hair, and in that caase, no
x: ever been to a zoo?: yep
x: allergic to any animals?: no

x: what are you scared of?: spiders
x: how much did the events of 9/11 scare you?: not at all really
x: what has been the scariest moment of your life?: when i guess my arn was cut open...
x: the scariest nightmare?: it involved death
x: do you fear world poverty?: Yes.
x: have you ever been in a really dangerous situation?: yes, i could have blead to death...

x: hairbrushes you own: 1
x: posters: 8
x: CDs: like 27
x: mascaras: 1
x: hoodies: 5
x: cross necklaces: none
x: calendars: 1
x: empty bottles in your room: none
x: stuffed toys you have: like 13
x: meals eaten in a day: 3
x: times broken the law: no idea
x: hats: 5
x: books: bazillion
x: shoes: 32

x: meal: apple
x: drink: milk
x: alcohol: right now! jk jk
x: hat worn: blue star hat
x: friend you saw: solina
x: survey you filled before this: the other one
x: bus you rode on: School bus
x: necklace you wore: giutar pic one
x: person you spoke to: solina
x: person you kissed: shadow
x: person who kissed you: My damn dog
x: time you had sex: never have
x: website you visited: Livejournal
x: DVD you watched: Saw, some of Matrix
x: song you listened to: " im no superman
x: CD: none, ipod bitch

[X] natural
[ ] dyed it once
[ ] dyed it a few times
[ ] dyed it almost every color
[ ] It's been every color!

Your hair is naturally...

[X] straight
[ ] curly
[ ] wavy

You usually...

[ ] straighten it
[ ] curl it
[ ] crimp it
[x] put it up
[ ] braid it
[ ] spike it
[x] just brush it

The shampoo you use is...
[ ] brilliant brunette
[X] suave
[ ] herbal essences
[ ] head & shoulders
[X] pantene
[ ] garnier
[ ] dove
[ ] V05
[ ] tresseme
[ ] aussie
[ ] whatevers in the shower...
[ ] salon brands
[ ] Elvive
[ ] garnier fructis

You wish your hair was naturally...

[ ] curly

When its foggy outside, your hair...

[ ] gets frizzy
[ ] gets curly
[ ] gets wavy
[x] stays the way it is

It takes you____ to do your hair...

[ ] 5 minutes
[ ] 10 minutes
[ ] 30 minutes
[ ] 1 hour
[ ] 1-2 hours
[x] depends
[ ] I don't do my hair. (Not often...)

You have dyed your hair...

[ ] half blonde
[ ] brunette
[ ] dirty blonde
[ ] black
[ ] red
[ ] plum
[ ] pink
[ ] green
[ ] blue
[ ] blonde/bleach
[ ] auburn
[x] never dyed it

You have gotten highlights...

[ ] yes
[x] no
[ ] i did but they didnt show up
[x] my hair is naturally highlighted

my hair is:

[] thick
[X] normal
[ ] thin


[ ] less than chin length
[ ] chin length
[ ] shoulder length
[x] mid-back length
[ ] waist length
[ ] butt to knee
[ ] past knee
[ ] I can stand on it!


[ ] dry
[x] my hair is perfect (ish)
[ ] oily

[ ] Lose a lover
[x] Love a loser

[x] Never see again
[ ] Never speak again

[x] Run 2 miles straight
[ ] Walk 8 miles

[x] Go to the beach
[ ] Have a milkshake

[x] Laugh when no one else is
[ ] Not be laughing while everybody else is

[ ] Drink 10 cans of soda at once
[x] Never drink soda again

[x] Have your pants rip
[ ] Get thrown in a trash can

[ ] Work at Mcdonalds
[X] Join the army

[x] Kiss someone you dont like
[ ] Have someone kiss you who doesn't like you

[ ] Not bathe for a week
[x] Bathe in a lake ( i dont think id be able to go for a week..oi)

[x] Be an only child
[ ] Have 5 brothers

[x] Cry in front of 5000 strangers
[ ]Cry in front of your whole school

[X] Win a million dollars
[ ] Get the love of your life

[x] Be able to rewind time
[ ] See the future

[x] Be hated for who you are
[ ] Be loved for who your not

[XXXX] Die the day after the best day of your life
[ ] Live to be 90 with everyday being okay

[X] Be absolutely gorgeous ( you can still be nice)
[ ] Have a really great personality

[X] Go skydiving
[ ] Go scuba diving

[x] Be loved by one person
[ ] Have 10 people who like you so then you can pick which one's hottest

[x] Have one absolutely amazing kiss
[ ] Have 40 okay kisses

[x] Love and lose
[ ] Never love at all

[x] Be friends with someone you absolutley h a t e
[ ] Give someone you love a dirty look


:001:Name:!: Jo
:002:Age:!: 15
:003:Birthday:!: January, 21, 1991
:004:Location:!: south haven
:005:Religon:!: None.


:006:Date:!: April 14th
:007:Time:!: 11:49pm
:008:What clothes are you wearing:!: camoflage top under a black lowcut top and blue jeans with converse
:009:What jewelry are you wearing:!: earings/ neckalce


:010:Hair color:!: Red
:011:Hair length:!: Mid back.
:012:Eye Color:!: Blue
:013:Height:!: 5'6
:014:Shoe Size:!: 9.5
:015:Do you wear glasses:!: Nope nope
:016:What about contacts:!: No


:017:Do you have a crush:!: HECK YEAH.
:018:Single or taken:!: SINGLE
:019:Have you ever said I love you to someone and meant it:!: yeah
:020:Have you ever thought you were in love:!: yeah
:021:How long is the longest relationship you have ever been in:!:n/a
:022:Has a member of the oppsite sex ever made you cry:!: of laughter, yes
:023:Ever had a dream about a crush:!: yeah.. it was weird
:024:Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend:!: no
:025:Are you lonely right now:!: nah
:026:Ever afraid you'll never get married:!: no
:027:Do you want to get married:!: Yeah
:028:Do you want kids:!: maybe one..
:029:Been Hurt by someone you loved:!: kinda


:030:How many friends do you have:!: 5-6 closer ones, and a lot more jsut kinda friends people
:031:How many friends are guys:!: 8
:032:How many friends are girls:!: 15
:033:Funniest:!: amber
:034:Perkiest:!: marlee
:035:Most organized:!: marlee
:036:Least organized!: ...tess
:037:Most likely to become a model:!: catie
:038:Prettiest:!:hope or catie
:039:Who has the same taste in music as you:!: uhm.. let see amber, MAYBE tess like on song
:040:Likes country:!: kelsey
:041:Likes Rock:!: amber not jsut tho
:042:Likes Rap:!: hope/ tess
:043:Who do you have the deepest converstations with:!: amber i guess
:044:Who do you fight with the most:!: solina
:045:The one you are closest to:!: amber
:046:The one who is the furthest away:!: Haley
:047:The one you feel like doesn't get you:!: tesss


:048:Flower:!: dandilions... or LILLYS! no definately lllies!
:049:Quote from a movie:!: “there all drunk and heavily armed”
:050:Room in house:!: mine
:051:Type of music:!: no idea
:052:Day of the week:!: saturdays
:053:Color:!: bright green// black
:054:Month:!: September
:055:Season:!: spring/ winter
:056:Thing to do:!: vidieo games. giutar. music


:057:Would you rather love or be loved?:!: be loved
:058:Love or Lust:!: love
:059:Cat or Dog:!: DOG
:060:Coke or Pepsi:!: nieher, if i had to chose, coke
:061:Thanksgiving or Christmas:!: thanksgiving.
:062:Pools Or Hot Tubs:!: Pools
:063:Television Or Radio:!: Television
:064:CDs Or MP3's:!: MP3’S
:065:Vanilla or chocolate:!: Vanilla
:066:Movies or music:!: music
:067:Sunset or Sunrise:!: sunset


:068:Where do you want to live:!: L.A, london
:069:How Many Kids You Want:!: one
:070:Pets:!: 6 of them
:071:Car:!: a nice one
:072:5 years from now:!: away from here


:073:Done Drugs:!: na
:074:Run Away From Home:!: no
:075:Lied:!: yeah
:076:Stolen Anything:!: no
:077:Broken A Bone:!: nope
:078:Cheated On A Test:!: Yep
:079:Cheated On A Girlfriend/Boyfriend:!: no not, really
:080:Been In The Hospital:!: yeah
:081:Fell asleep in the shower/bath:!: ew no
:082:Never slept during a night:!: yeah
:083:Sat in a restaurant without ordering:!: yeah, when we were siting there because it was pooring rain outside
:084:Seen someone die:!: ive seen dieing, yeah actually.
:085:Streaked the streets:!: nope
:086:Screamed at someone for no reason:!: yeah
:087:Stayed up till 4 am on the phone:!: no
:088:Pulled a prank:!: yup
:089:Made fun of someone:!: yeah
:090:Cried yourself to sleep:!: few times
:091:Found yourself crying and not quite sure why:!: yeah


:092:Took a shower:!: yesterday
:093:Cried:!: laughing? in tech the otherday
:094:Given/gotten a hug:!: an akward one at bluestar
:095:Been to the movies:!: ice age 2
:096:Had a boy/girlfriend:!: not lately
:097:Kissed someone:!: while ago ( wobbie)
:098:Said I love you:!: my animals
:099:Danced:!: on stage with Joseph and the mighty happy crew

:100:How was it?:!: ok i guess. but now im angery because i see questions below this one you son of a bitch! ill teach you to burn down my house!

List 10 musical artists you like (do this before reading the questions below).

01. The buzzcocks
02. Everclear
03. Beck
04. Queens of the stone age
05. Kiss ( because of drc)
07. The Vandals
08. Tori amos
09. The Sex Pistols
10. no doubt ( ONLY the old)

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?: something about spontainioius combustion

What is your favorite album by 8?: Strainge little girl

What is your favorite lyric of 5?: shout it outloud

How many times have you seen 4 live?: never

What is your favorite song by 7?: Kick it ( your not the boss of me)

Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?: No.

What is your favorite lyric of 2?: the cover the boys are back in town

What is your favorite song by 9?: punk rock christmas

How did you get into 3?: I cant remember

What is your favorite song by 4?: " no one knows"

How many times have you seen 9 live?: Never

What is a good memory concerning 2?: Detroit Rock City

Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?: yeah

What is your favorite song of 1?: " ever fallen in love with someone you shouldent have"

How did you become a fan of 10? i think the libary

*60 Random Questions*

1. Are you wearing shoes: yep

2. Whats the third letter in your name?: s

3. How old is/are your pet(s)?: i think shadows 6 and kitty is like 4 and uhm birds are like 5,7and,9

4. What color is your backpack? purple

5. Are you sick?: Yes

6. Do you go to school?: Yes.

7. Is the bathroom open?: yes

8. Are you on a laptop?: Nope

9. Are you watching MTV?: no

10. Are you smiling? No

11. Do you have on eyeliner?: yup yup

12. Is it early?: its 12:11, does that count as early or late?

13. Are you blonde? ive been called a blonde.. but my hairs red

14. Do you have a myspace?: yeah

15. are you in high school? Yes

16. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not at he moment

17. What is your favorite name?: Boy: giuseppe or edward ::: Girl: somthing like adelaide or somthing

19. What color is your bathing suit?: blue black green

20. Does your school start in august? september

21. Did you go on vacation last month?: spring vacation

22. Have you ever been on a cruise?: Yup

23. Do you have a sister?: nope, a brother tho

24. Are you upstairs?: yep

26. Do you have a friend named Alex?: yes

27. Does your name end with a Y?: ew no

28. What was the last thing you said?: "

29. Are your ears pierced?: You know they are!

30. Do you own a digital camera?: yup yup

31. Do you live in florida?: no

32. Do you like florida?: ehh

33. Ever had sushi?: Yes

34. Are you listening to rock at the moment?: yeah

35. What color is your chair?: red

36. Where'd you get your pants?: holland

37. Do you type with your feet? No

38. Have you dyed your hair red?: no. because my hair is already red.

39. Are you tired?: yeah

40. Do YoU wRiTe LiKe ThIs?: no

41. Are you an idiot?: eh no

42. Do you like being in relationships?: no idea

44. Are you "Fake" at times?: sure why not!

45. what time is it? 12:16

46. Are you bored?: yeah

47. what color are your socks? black striped

49. chocolate or peanut butter?: i really dont care anymore

50. How many kids would u like?: one

51. Own a necklace?: Tons

52. What is your computer's brand? Apple Mac OSX 10.4

53. CDs or Cassette?: CDs.

54. Ever been through or to Detroit?: yep

55. Seen all of the American Pies? no

56. Been to the movie theatre the past month?: Yes

57. Like walruses?: ther ok

58. Ever been on a plane?: heck yeah!

59. Been to a concert in the past month?: like an hour and a half ago dude

60. What color is your toothbrush? pink white green
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