Wherein Cam Talks Too Much About X-Men: First Class

Jun 18, 2011 21:16

So. My obsession with X-Men: First Class is reaching critical levels. I thought that the giddy infatuation would fade after a week or so (as so often happens for me with shiny new (sort of) fandoms), but it's been two weeks now and it's only getting worse. D:

I honestly expected next to nothing from this movie. While I liked X1 and X2 a lot, I was ( Read more... )

charles/erik, x-men, rp, x-men: first class, rambling, reaction

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Comments 45

therandomgirlie June 19 2011, 15:10:04 UTC
I saw it again for the second time yesterday with a friend, and godDAMN, it was ten times more obvious the second time around how canon their love is! I mean, the scene after Erik is about to leave in the night, and Charles is all, "You stayed?!" with his big blue eyes and eletric smile, you just KNOW that something happened over that night! XD


zhadra_ahni June 21 2011, 04:06:10 UTC
I've been trying to maneuver any of my friends to see it with me again, but they're not going for it. ;A; Guess I'll just have to make do with watching this crappy torrent over...and over...and over...and over...*cough*

It is ridiculously canon, I couldn't even believe it when I was sitting there in the theater the first time. *_* And lolol, the amazing part is you can take any moment and go 'ohohhhh, something totally happened there :Da', which is making for an amazing variety of fic. XD


dametokillfor June 19 2011, 21:43:08 UTC
*waves frantically back*

Everything here, just... everything! I'm going to see it again at some point this week for the fourth time just because I can't get enough of it.


zhadra_ahni June 21 2011, 04:08:05 UTC
\o/ HI! HI!

I'm so jealoussssss!! I totally want to see them on the big screen again, but my friends have already seen it and my family wouldn't be interested. ;A;


cymbalism219 June 19 2011, 23:09:26 UTC
I am SO ON BOARD THIS SHIP. (As you well know!)

I love your observation that they, as actors, are way too good for this kind of herpaderp comic-book-blockbuster genre, but that's wonderful. YES TIMES A MILLION. We are so lucky to have them and it is absolutely their work on character development that made me ship them *immediately* -- like, before they even shared a scene together. Their love is instantaneous and SO HOT.

Were you in the theater praying Raven was going to shift into Charles while in Erik's bed, too? I was biting my lip and grippin gmy seat hoping so hard for it -- even the second time when I knew it wouldn't happen! Haha.

That paragraph of yours about their dynamic and their strengths of individuals? Oh man, yes. perfect. I'm intimidated and convinced I can't do them justice just listening to you! In order to lock down my headcanon I stayed away from reading a ton of fic over the past two weeks and now that I'm done, I've been absolutely gorging myself on fic this weekend. I'm simultaneously *delighted* by this ( ... )


zhadra_ahni June 21 2011, 04:22:43 UTC
God, can you imagine what kind of flop this movie could have been without McAvoy and Fassbender making Charles and Erik and their chemistry so unbelievably amazing?? D: I DON'T EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT, FFFFFF WHAT CLOSE CALL, THANK GOD. And yes, it was like, you could see the shape of what they could be together before they even met, and then they did, and it was like KABOOOOOOM! /DED.

That didn't occur to me, actually! Although I love seeing fanart and fic about it in retrospect, lemme tell ya. :Da It was the beach scene when Erik was cradling Charles in his arms like an impossibly precious thing that I was like OMG. O.M.G. KISSSSSSSSS! They're going to, right?! DO EEEEET!!

Ugh, I could throw around all the gushing and effusive description and the rambling on and on about them and still never write anything that did them justice, I think. ;_; ...Has it only been two weeks? D: Good lord, I feel like I'm stepping out of a dark cave and blinking/hissing at the sunlight after months-and then retreating back to the cave because the ( ... )


mf_luder_xf June 20 2011, 00:12:57 UTC
I loved this movie pretty damn unreservedly. Like. I came out of the theater already making grabby-hands for FIC and FANDOM and META and SQUEE and HEART-EYES, cackled madly when I discovered there was already a kinkmeme and people writing amazing fills, and I've barely surfaced for air since.

MTE. ♥

With Charles and Erik? I was sitting in the theater with my heart in my throat going OH GOD, KISS HIM YOU FOOL! KISS! HIM! and for a moment actually thinking he would.

Haha, again, me, too. Only that happens all the time with me. I shipped Dean/Cas within the first 30 seconds (and after being a diehard Wincester for 3 years), Aziraphale/Crowley within about 10 pages of Good Omens, and Kirk/Spock pre-movie (when I had never really been a Trekkie until the press run for the Reboot).

It wasn't this sly, overplayed, nudge-nudge-wink-wink nod to fangirls or whatever that the actors and directors and everyone can have a field day with but never actual intend to go anywhere with it. It was just this. This however, is SO true. I both love ( ... )


zhadra_ahni June 21 2011, 04:33:50 UTC
Okay, well, Castiel only had one of the most ridiculously amazing intros of all time, (I must've watched it 20 times or so immediately after the episode aired), so I'm actually with you on having shipped that instantaneously, too, hahaha! But! That still doesn't usually happen to me! XD

Yeeeahh, the growing tendency in media toward meta commentary on ~bromance~ and the tacit acknowledgement both that it sells and we'll play with it but never legitimize it gets to me sometimes. It makes me uncomfortable on SPN (it doesn't help that I have a massive embarrassment squick, and those eps are kind of all about being embarrassing for fangirls), and that's definitely part of why I love Charles and Erik so hard. Utterly organic is right. I never shipped Xavier/Magneto before First Class, myself, so all the convincing happened in that movie. It was so natural.

Hahaha, I'm usually one of those curtain!fic people (ducks tomatoes!). Well. Sort of; epic plots that incorporate angst and drama and character and adventure and humor and then end ( ... )


mf_luder_xf July 5 2011, 02:09:53 UTC
Meh, I do like curtain!fics from time to time. I tend either to prefer my domesticity a little fucked up, or a fucked up story with a general happy ending...just not all rainbows and kittens (though sometimes, kittens are involved). And yes, I totally do that with fics, especially some of these C/E fics of late! It's like, I don't feel like crying tonight, so I'll put that aside for another night...


sasha_b June 20 2011, 03:20:52 UTC
I was going to wax poetic about my own feelings on this film and the fact that is sucked me in from the get go (I'm an old school X-men comic reader too) but you said ALL THE WORDS I WAS THINKING. Brilliant. ;)))))) My favorite thing you said and the thing that fascinates me most about E/C:
the way it's like he cracks open and spills over his own edges when Charles gets him to laugh. That is a great way to put it, and I wish wish wish we could have seen more of this ( ... )


zhadra_ahni June 21 2011, 04:45:17 UTC
Oh man, I really wish we could've gotten more of that in the movie proper, too, because the moments where it happened, where Charles was pulling things from Erik that he didn't even know he was capable of-those were so much love. It was so real. :) I GUESS PEOPLE WILL JUST HAVE TO KEEP WRITING THOSE MOMENTS, lol!

I usually have a pretty low tolerance for emotional pain in fiction, so it boggled me a bit to come stumbling out of this movie clutching at the pieces of my shattered heart and only wanting moooore! Like you say, that they can only become what they do because of each other, and also the fact that if they really do stay true to themselves-and they're both far too strong in their convictions not to-then that tragic break is just inevitable because of the shape of the world they live in. So you can see it coming, and the heartbreak just builds and builds because even though their worldviews clash so violently, they are SO COMPATIBLE AND PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER, jesus christ. ;A ( ... )


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