Just a note to remind people who may not otherwise notice that this *isn't* where I post any more.
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Comments 3
LJ does have a nice feature though - the friends list. Hard to replicate that anywhere else.. Actually, it's not hard at all, I have pretty much all the code already configured and working on zhasper.com - it's just that to make it useful, everyone I'm ever likely to want to talk to, including random women in the US who write about training horses, cooking, having hysterectomies (well, just one actually) running ISPs and dealing with recalcitrant tenants (yes, that's all the one woman) would have to create user accounts on zhasper.com - I can't see that happening.
I'm happy for my data to be store here as well - it's public data, I don't care where it goes. I'd like to be able to keep the authoritative version on my own server though.
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