Случайно обнаружил, что в Италии и некоторых других романоязычных странах научно-техническая служба полиции называется просто "Polizia Scientifica". забавно звучит =)
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polizia_scientifica The Forensic is a service of the State Police specializing in technical and scientific investigations in the fields of chemistry, biology and physics, in addition to the help technician for traditional investigations. This service has its origins in 1902, when Prof. Salvatore Ottolenghi in Italy founded the School of Forensic.
Comments 3
The Forensic is a service of the State Police specializing in technical and scientific investigations in the fields of chemistry, biology and physics, in addition to the help technician for traditional investigations. This service has its origins in 1902, when Prof. Salvatore Ottolenghi in Italy founded the School of Forensic.
Аааа, это криминалистика!
(в МУРе, кажется, соответствующий отдел тоже научно-техническим называется теперь, но это все равно не то =)
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