"A red Death Saurer?"
"The Bloody Death Saurer."
"What's the difference?"
"Other than the fact the Bloody Death Saurer is RED.... lemme describe it. Think Godzilla... but on crack, smack, crank, speed, 8-balls, steroids and all the radiation on Planet Earth and then some... then mulitply that by 80. That clonky piece of Zoidian trash wouldn't even come close to the power of the Bloody Death Saurer.... Hell, Van's trashy duct tape Blade Liger wouldn't even be able to pull off that Human CannonBall bullshit. If Gunther Prozen really wanted to be a sadistic prick, he shoulda fed his clone the blood and souls of vanquished foes. Even if it would be a clone, a clone of the Bloody Death Saurer is just as powerful as the Zoidians' Death Saurer in Evopolis. The Zoidians' Death Saurer is the Bloody Death Saurer's prison bitch."
"Ahh, the typical end-of-the-world story."
"VERY typical end-of-the-world story."
"Just like that??"
"Just like that."
"What's this about the Crystal Death Saurer?"
"That's a whole different playground."
"Oh? What's so different about that?"
"That's one playground this little red demon don't want to play in."
"Is the Crystal Death Saurer more powerful that the Enochians' Bloody Death Saurer?"
"No. I'm outta smokes."