Pick your fucking battles wisely, Bush!!

Oct 12, 2003 21:25

Copied and pasted from http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/intimates.htm

Intimates are defined to include spouses, ex-spouses, boyfriends, and girlfriends

The number of men murdered by intimates dropped by 68% since 1976.
The number of women killed by intimates was stable for two decades, declined after 1993through 1995, then remained relatively stable through 2000.

In general, the number of intimate victims in each race and gender group declined until recently when they stabilized

Between 1976 and 2000 --

the number of white females killed by intimates rose in the mid-1980's, declined after 1993. In 1997 the number reached the lowest level recorded over the past two decades. Since 1998, the number of white women killed by intimates has increased but not to earlier levels.
the number of intimate homicides for all other race and gender groups declined over the period; black females killed by intimates dropped 53%, black males by 77%, and white males by 54%

About 11% of murder victims were determined to have been killed by an intimate

Most murder victims were familiar with their assailants.

Spouses and family members made up about 15% of all victims
About one third of the victims were acquaintances of the assailant
In 14% of all murders, the victim and the offender were strangers
The victim/offender relationship was undetermined in about one third of homicides

Victim/Offender Relationship, 1976-2000
All homicides,

Percent Number

Total 100.0% 512,599
Intimate 11.4% 58,409
Non-intimate 54.8% 280,999
Undetermined 33.8% 173,190
Total 100.0% 512,599
Stranger 14.0% 71,565
Spouse 7.1% 36,157
Other family 7.8% 40,137
Boyfriend/Girlfriend 4.3% 22,252
Other Acquaintance 33.0% 169,298
Relationship undetermined 33.8% 173,190

Female murder victims are substantially more likely than male murder victims to have been killed by an intimate

In recent years -

About one third of female murder victims were killed by an intimate
About 4% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate
Of all female murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate was relatively stable until 1995 when the proportion began increasing
Of male murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate has dropped.

For every age group female murder victims are more likely than
male victims to have been killed by an intimate

Percent of all murders by intimates, 1976-2000
Male victims Female victims


Under 18 1 % 6 %
18-24 2 29
25-29 5 36
30-34 7 41
35-39 9 43
40-44 10 41
45-49 11 40
50-59 10 32
60+ 7 20

Most victims of intimate homicide are killed by their spouses,
although much less so in recent years

The intimate homicide rate has fallen for blacks in every gender and relationship category while the rate for whites has not declined for all categories

The intimate homicide rate --

for white girlfriends was higher in 2000 than it was in 1976
for white wives and ex-wives has declined but not as much as that for white husbands and ex-husbands
for black husbands and ex-husbands was over thirteen times greater in 1976 than it was in 2000

Note: This chart refers to persons ages 20-44. The number of married or divorced persons is the population base used to calculate spouse and ex-spouse rates and the number of never married or widowed persons is the population base used to calculate boyfriend/girlfriend rates.

The number of intimate victims killed has fallen regardless of weapon type, but the decline in the number killed with guns has been more pronounced than the decline in the number killed by other methods

In general, guns are most often used in intimate homicide but weapon type varies by relationship. From 1990 to 2000 --

Over two-thirds of the spouse and ex-spouse victims were killed by guns
Boyfriend victims were more likely to be killed by knives than any other group of intimates
Intimate homicides were somewhat more likely to involve knives than nonintimate homicides
Homicides by relationship and weapon type, 1990-2000

Relationship of
victim to offender Total Gun Knife Blunt object Force Other weapon
Husband/Ex-husband 100 % 71 % 25 % 2 % 1 % 2 %
Wife/Ex-wife 100 69 13 4 7 6
Boyfriend 100 47 45 3 2 4
Girlfriend 100 57 19 5 11 8
Nonintimate 100 63 18 5 7 6

Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-2000
Additional information about the data used in Homicide trends in the U.S.

For additional statistical information on this topic, see the BJS publication Intimate Partner Violence.

Then on Court TV:

85% of murders caused by a wife or ex-wife is due to greed. The husband usually has life insurance on his head that is most likely +100,000 American dollars.

65% of murders caused by the husband, it's most likely to avoid a messy divorce because the asshole husband was having affairs with god knows what.

From Dr. Phil and Divorce Court:

More than 50% of marriages end in divorce.
More than half of it is due to infidelities and money.

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