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Jul 17, 2008 06:56

SYTYCD thoughts

Courtney and Joshua

Hip hop. LOVED Joshua. while I understand the concept of the dance, all I could focus on was the frakked up hair Courtney had and I had to watch a second time to watch the actual dancing. yeah, Courtney was kinda meh.

Rhumba. Hot. Loved it. Even Courtney.

Solos. I think Joshua's one of my favs now. *squishes* I like Courtney better than I did before.

Kherington and Mark

Country Two-Step. *gags*

Jazz. *snores*

Solos. Love Kherington. Mark, cool.

Comfort and Twitch

Smooth Waltz. I heard this one and just cringed for them both. and then they used the bright lights on the stage when for most of the waltzes so far they've used the blue lights to soften it so errors aren't so glaringly obvious. poor guys. sorry but this was just bad.

Hip hop. ya know, when I first heard this pairing and was watching them rehearse their waltz I was just thinking to myself "wouldn't it be awesome if they got a hip-hop routine?" and then they did and I went "squee". and boy did they kill it. and now I've had the term "buck" explained to me. lmao I was so happy for them with this number. yayay

Solos. I've seen Comfort dance hers so many times I honestly didn't even watch (I was on delay with teh DVR 'cause I was watching Project Runway at the same time lol). Twitch was cool.

Katee and Will

Broadway. wasn't crazy about this particular song and arrangement but the choreography and performance were fun and entertaining. so points for that.

Pas de deux. if I spelled that right lol. when Cat first mentioned this one how did I know it would be these two dancing it? was that one predictable or what? but anyways... wow. nice. and yet again with Will going shirtless lmao.

Solos. me likey both. though I like Will better.

Chelsie and Gev

Contemporary. yay for Gev. I like Gev a lot. he's adorkable.

Jive. fun to watch. not much else to say there.

Solos. did I mention I like Gev? I like Chelsie but meh. that was boring.

so if I was actually voting, though I never really do, I'd be voting for Joshua and Will this week, multiple times each, with maybe one each for Gev and Twitch and Katee. maybe next week I'll actually start voting.
based on dancing I think Kherington and Mark should be going home. based on popularity, it's anyone's guess. 'cause I gotta say, as much as people may want Comfort to go right back home, and while the waltz sucked, she totally killed her second number. Kherington otoh, crashed and burned this week. sorry to say it, 'cause she was one of my favs, but she did.


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