Nov 22, 2005 00:36
Does anyone want to finish my final draft for this damn paper? So tired, break almost in reach!
Nov 18, 2005 00:12
Go see Harry Potter! Now! Now! Is good with a few flaws!
Nov 17, 2005 08:24
Hahahahaha! I'm gonna see Harry Potter tonight at 9!
Oct 20, 2005 15:37
My glasses broke!
Oct 06, 2005 00:52
I'm gonna have problems with my right ear later on in life... I just know it.
Sep 24, 2005 12:33
I think I just drank humming bird feeder… or something like that…. Damn it mother! Label those damn things.
Sep 13, 2005 18:19
Damn you Course Compass for being so damn slow! Must... turn in... assignment before... going... to work...
Sep 12, 2005 15:41
Hey guess what? It seems America has almost forgotten all about 9/11. It seems now every September 11th will consist of TV specials like they do for Christmas, Halloween, and all the other holidays.