This short article was sent to me by a friend. My thoughts follow.
What is Normal?
S. Michael Craven
Founding Director, The Center for Christ & Culture
Recently, while wandering through my local grocery, I turned the corner, heading up the cereal aisle. I had no more walked ten feet when I caught the attention
of a stranger--a young man in his mid-twenties--walking toward me. Upon seeing me, his face lit up and a smile spread from ear to ear. I smiled in return,
his pace quickened and he marched straight over to me and with a welcoming voice said, "Hello, how are you?" I stopped, we exchanged a few friendly words
and then after a hardy “goodbye,” he moved on to greet the next person similarly.
Within a moment, an elderly couple followed, keeping an eye on the young man who, I quickly surmised was their son. The grinning mother said, "He's very
friendly!" I laughed, that was an understatement! I stood there silent for a moment, my spirit energized by this unusual and yet most human of encounters.
This young man was very different from me as I don't normally greet the strangers I meet each day in such a friendly and familiar manner. His congenial
nature was heartwarming and he seemed to have a sincere appreciation for other people simply because they were - well - people. This man was, simply stated,
better than I. Oh, he was different; he had Down syndrome but as a human being, he was still better than I. He loved without reservation or condition;
he did not judge others based on what they looked like or what they were wearing; he understood the gift of human touch and kindness and was ready to share
this gift with everyone he could. He was not the least bit self-conscious much less self-absorbed. There was no guile in this man. He was far closer to
innocence than those of us who are "normal."
I thought about that young man as I read that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has begun recommending broader prenatal testing for
Down syndrome among younger pregnant women. As Joni Eareckson Tada recently reported in World Magazine, "Up until this year, they recommended that only
older women who were pregnant be tested. But now, all mothers-to-be are routinely tested. The results? Over 90 percent of pregnant women who are given
a Down syndrome diagnosis choose to have an abortion." That's right, 90 percent of children diagnosed in the womb with Down syndrome are being killed before
they can be born.
There is a subtle and sinister shift underway in our culture that is redefining the basis of human dignity and what it means to be human. The Judeo-Christian
basis for human dignity rests on the belief that since all men are created by and equidistant from God they are therefore of equal worth before God. Gilbert
Meilaender, the Duesenberg Chair in Theological Ethics at Valparaiso University and member of the President's Council on Bioethics adds, "We are equal
to each other, whatever our distinctions in excellence of various sorts, precisely because none of us is the 'maker' of another one of us. We have all
received our life--equally--as a gift from the Creator."
However, this aforementioned "shift" in thinking seeks to establish a new basis for human dignity that is cut off from this theological and religious foundation.
Secular society still seeks to uphold human dignity, however set adrift from its religious moorings there follows a serious crisis in the structure of
society's beliefs and its ability to uphold an equitable and true basis for human dignity. Under the new scheme, human dignity seems to inevitably rest
on a "comparative" basis.
Meilaender points out that this comparative basis does not see human dignity as a democratic idea equally applied to all but rather "it directs us to speak
in terms of worthiness, honor, and nobility: In all its meanings it is a term of distinction. ... In principle, it is aristocratic." While there is no
doubt that some excel above others in areas of performance and potential, these are distinctions of human excellence not human dignity. Under the comparative
basis, full dignity depends on the extent to which one realizes [or is able to realize] their potential for human excellence. The biblical basis is "non-comparative"
and egalitarian.
This brings us back to those infants diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome. Using the comparative basis for human dignity; those with Down syndrome are
obviously limited in their ability to achieve excellence in some areas of performance and potential. The result? These children are not afforded full human
dignity and thus the decision to terminate their lives is justified.
You may be tempted to think that this is all very philosophical and has little to do with you personally. Not true. If you are a follower of Christ, then
there is the matter of truth, which you and I are bound to assert and defend. The truth revealed to us in Scripture gives us insight into what it means
to be human--a creation of God for God. Knowing this we can then assert and demonstrate an egalitarian basis for life and human dignity that affords proper
care and consideration to all human beings including those with disabilities, either congenital or otherwise. On a practical note, if these comparative
distinctions become the consensus then you yourself may become the victim of such thinking when you grow old and your "potential" is exhausted.
Finally, Meileander offers this, "In a speech of 1858, Abraham Lincoln, while granting many human inequalities, also captured something of the problem we
have with an inegalitarian concept of dignity: 'I have said that I do not understand the Declaration of Independence to mean that all men were created
equal in all respects.... But I suppose that it does mean to declare that all men are equal in some respects; they are equal in their right to 'life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness.'" Lincoln went on to acknowledge that many may think the black man inferior, when speaking comparatively in 1858, however,
in defiance of the prevailing culture he rejected this basis saying, "He is the equal of every other man, white or black!"
Using the biblical basis for human dignity, human slavery could be both opposed and successfully abolished on reasonable grounds. Conversely, using the
secular basis for human dignity, abortion on demand became accepted and codified, the imperfect are being denied their right to life, and soon the aged
and infirmed will be put to death when their potential for human "excellence" has diminished.
My life was enriched by my encounter with this young man with Down syndrome. My life has also been made much better and far richer with the birth of my
precious daughter, Madeleine who was born with Moebius syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that renders her face paralyzed, her sight and speech affected.
As her father, I challenge anyone to lessen her human dignity; as a follower of Christ, I will assert and defend the truth of human dignity whenever and
wherever I can.
"Probably the most truly handicapped people on earth are those who imagine themselves free of any limitation--mentors for a new race of supermen." - Steve
Talbott, Devices of the Soul: Battling for Our Selves in the Age of Machines
© 2007 by S. Michael Craven
I started to write an extensive reflection and realized that it looked alot like the one I wrote after I read "Choosing Niah," which would make sense. If we as christians are going to advocate choosing life, then we must be ready to support it. That's the Reader's Digest version. There were a few other thoughts, but in the name of clean laundry, I'll considering writing a more complete reflection later. If I do decide to write more, it will be posted with this article in the all_families community.
Niente Senza Gioia!
PS. I realize that my entry says "I'll considering..." for the record, I'm not that gramatically gone. Jaws just won't let me fix it. And, yes I do realize I just spelled grammatically incorrectly...I'm very done with this now.