Kel and I are considering. It's mainly a money and missing work thing right now. Anyway of getting tix home at an earlier date for him and I? I'm going to look at it tomorrow when I have more.
That made absolutely no sense. I'm sorry, I'm tired.
Checked out and I liked what I saw. If we (kel and I) decide to come home say on the 10th or 11th, it's still only like 140 for the round trip ticket. Just gotta see what he decides on...
Yeah, please go into this knowing that you will need to spend money beyond tickets to get there. Last vacation we took as a group some people brough just enough money and were wet blankets for the rest of us.
Comments 9
Checked out and I liked what I saw. If we (kel and I) decide to come home say on the 10th or 11th, it's still only like 140 for the round trip ticket. Just gotta see what he decides on...
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I need to know how serious this is soon.
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