Dropping in...

May 22, 2006 05:42

Okay second quick drop in:

Back from Chicago
+Ended up including a Pearl Jam concert (added Teenage Wasteland and Hide Your Love Away cover)
+Awesome Thai(?) place that had the fabled Bubble Tea
-"Bubbles" in Bubble Tea might not be meant for consumption?
+Really, ridiculously, good lookingtasting pizza place
-Pizza place's service sucked incredibly long, hard, and not in any way enjoyable
+Pizza was actually delicious enough to compensate said sucking
+Have 5 dollars in tokens for an arcade (that doesn't allow hats to be worn inside)
+Brother's friends are pretty cool
+Brother's friend's girlfriend was awesome (ended up hanging with her mostly)
- I utterly lack an address to send cookies or some other "You Are Made of Awesome Basket
(+Brother could provide said address?)
-I had Pub Trans security get on my ass for going through a gate without paying
-- It was a handicap gate

House is cleaned up like it has never been before
+First time ever I see no cobwebs
--------------- Discovered the spider living in my room
----------------------It was a really, really big spider
-Still cluttered with most of our shelves overflowing
+Will requiring some sorting
(+Some sorting will be of stuff not seen before in at least a decade)
(++ There may be embarrassing young'n type photos of the brothers in my near future)
-Cleaning was in preparation of relatives that could not make it for...

Little brother graduated High School
+Little brother graduated high school
+/- Little brother to attend my college
(++/-- Older brother to finish at my college)
+There was much eating of the good
+Little brother graduated High School

Those were the main things keeping me away from the computer as they have been keeping me pretty damn busy, wouldn't actually be dropping in right now if I hadn't drank a barrel of coke and am having some weird caffeine crash/high where I can feel the withdrawal and, at the same time, alertness of caffeine. Wtf. Am far from catching up, and doubt very much I will, though the M of K passed me some headlines every now and then of the going ons in Flistville. Quite frankly? You guys got game. I'm not exactly sure what kind of game, perhaps some archaic form of tropical tribal curling, but it is game nonetheless.
WIll be slowly re-immersing self back into LJ tho' I think I'm going to change a thing or two on how my own journal is going to be going; am aiming for a more journaly type setting which doesn't mean a whole lot more than possibly more randomness with an added spice of bitching. Prolly still be a good while before there's any kind of noticeable "comeback" seeing as how I've still got enough going on right now to keep busy for a while and I''ve got some stuff I'd like to get done and I've put a deadline on both lists.

Not dead yet.
Miss you guys.
Hope things are going well on your end of the screen.
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