Hey guys! Been pretty busy lately so thought I’d drop a line to the shenanigans currently going on
So I’ve been having some problems with one college lately and to provide academic evidence for my own purposes I’ve been attending community college back at home this past semester. Well apparently my chemistry teacher sent my name to this other community college in regards to this Chem-Tech program they have going on for students that are excelling in that area. So I went. It was nice to get the letter (I totally appreciate my ChemTeach for that); I was curious about it; and I originally figured that it would help my case when I went back to the other college in the way that you tell employers that other people are interested in your skills too, you know, and you have other options.
Well, this place is amazing.
The courses are pretty intensive, as you can get out in a year and a half if you do serious crunch time, and extensive, as you cover a wide range of chemistry. Also? Hands-on lab time. You don’t just prep samples and hand them to a lab technician, or do a dry-lab and rely on stoichiometry and theory. No. If the lab calls for an MRI or a run through a gas or wet spectrometer, you are running the MRI or spectrometer. The classes build on each other and the same students you walk in with on the first day of the first class are pretty much the same ones you’ll graduate with sans a few that may leave. They’re renovating to open up next fall with a new lab room and updated machines and it’s just really amazing. They also work closely with their graduates' major employers to make sure we have marketable skills when we leave.
And they sent me a letter to check them out.
Now, they fill the class on a first come first serve and there’s about 13 spaces left. The other college made it very clear to me last semester that they usually take their time on evaluating cases and that, usually, I should be looking at waiting on them for at least a month. Which means if I’m going to be serious and move in on the Chem-Tech program then I probably don’t have time to wait for the other college (I wouldn’t be able to even begin sending them anything now as I have to wait for this semester to be over). So the big question tonight, and for the next few nights, is do I jump ship and major and switch over to here.
In other news I’m working on remodeling/redesigning my room and this weekend we’re gonna clear it out, set me up in brother2’s room while my room is out of order and he’s out of town; and prep it for painting next weekend. I’m looking at strong greens and dark brown colors in a forest kind of motif. Yey!