Icon Meme

Aug 25, 2010 16:24

Icon meme!

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons. (explicitly state that you want to play)
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

The following were picked by: lokiiago

 This is only because it is beautiful and antique looking. I would love to have an old fashioned looking pocket watch. Something very delicate and lady-like. But, antique looking.

 This one is because I like writing and using my victorian writing kit whenever possible. I even seal my letters with wax before I put them in the envelope. I refer to things, such as the address, as the direction. Which was how it was phrased during those days. I have several wooden styluses with brass nibs of various sizes and a glass stylus as well for artistic caligraphy. I have a big ink well full of black ink plus small glass containers of ink in various colors common during those days for caligraphy art.

 I like simple elegant touches such as this. Adding something beautiful to an otherwise plain and boring looking outfit is just wonderful and I do it all the time!

 This one combines 2 of my loves; figure skating and lolita fashion. BTSSB is one of my fave brands because it is sweet lolita, but it's not OTT sweet. BTSSB is prolly as far into sweet as I will go.

 This one just looked very feminine to me....plus it's pink and dealing with fashion.

 This one deals with my interest in collecting Blythe dolls.
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