LJ-Jar: Join up flist!!

Aug 01, 2012 16:07

I kinda love this idea, cause I've decided as annoying as LJ is, it's still my favorite online platform, I have seven years here, I love having a record of those years through my entries, and I'm sad to see others (including me) using it less and less.

So awakencordy started an LJ-Jar as incentive to stay active! You add your name pledging to post 2 times a ( Read more... )

lj: memes, lj, lj-jar

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Comments 2

jonesiexxx August 2 2012, 13:36:54 UTC
I'm so not a joiner. But I'm with you on lj preference and bemoaning the decrease of my own and others posts.

So, just between you and me, I'll try to post more.

I'll also give to charity, but in totally unrelated to lj ways!


soundingsea August 2 2012, 14:33:18 UTC
Given that I'm starting a new job on Monday I'd better not make any rash pledges I can't keep, but I do plan to try to be around here more.


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