Bitten, the SPN ep that shouldn't have even bothered to happen...

Oct 28, 2012 21:46

So I finally watched this silly thing. Turns out I shouldn't have bothered.

Dear everyone who tried to warn me how bad this ep was,

I appreciate the heads up. But no one could have prepared me for how AWFUL this was. AWFUL and pointless. I’m not only glad I didn’t waste sleep for this on Wednesday. I’m glad I didn’t waste time and hard drive space to download it. This is the first ep ever I legit feel no need to have or keep or ever watch again.

I get they wanted to hit the “I didn’t choose this” beat, but there were so many ways they could have done this. This way was a serious FAIL. In every single direction. I've never wanted an episode of tv to be over faster. I kept looking at the clock and wondering why it wasn't over yet.

I have no idea that they were thinking. Perhaps they weren't. But this can officially be the ep of SPN that never happened. That's how quickly I'm forgetting about this one.

Maybe next week will be worth caring about. But this one? Really not worth the time it takes to talk about it.

In other news, OMGWTFBBQ FRANKENSTORM. WHY ARE YOU DERAILING GOTV EFFORTS ALL OVER THE EASTERN SEABOARD?!?! Crossing fingers we're okay here, and that it's not as bad as projected elsewhere. Everything's already cancelled here, both school and work tomorrow. I don't want to run down my phone battery in case we lose power later, so phonebanking's out of the question. I might just waste the day baking and DVRing early season SPN eps from this weekend's TNT marathon. I'm a sucker for nostalgia.

politics: obama, rl, spn:s8, politics: 2012, current events

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