Obama win is a win for us all. Congratulations to everybody!

Nov 08, 2012 17:03

Still recovering from the trauma that was Election Day. I think I caught a flu bug out of the deal for all my exhaustion from working on two hours of sleep this last week. I stopped at home Tuesday at about 8pm just to warm up, grab a bottle of booze, and split to a local party. And then could not move from the couch. Sad I missed the party, but I ( Read more... )

women, 2012, current events, history, politics: obama, politics, obama:2012, obama, politics: 2012

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Comments 6

herowlness November 10 2012, 05:38:28 UTC
I love LOVE that the first Out, Gay Senator is from my great state! And Tammy's our first female Senator too, so woo hoo!

I did some phone banking and door knocking on election day, and it was awesome. When I was phone banking at the local union hall, a woman just walked in and said that she wanted to vote for Obama but didn't know where to go. She hadn't voted in years - but she wanted to vote this time because she knew it mattered. :D

Ahhhh, election joy. <3


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