That moment you realize all the shows you've caught up on during Post-Election Haze are kicking ass. And the only one you did bother to keep up on...has quickly dissolved into a friggin mess by comparison.
SPN, we need to talk...
Only after that last ep, I don't even know if I have the words to care. So let's make this simple:
First three eps of the season: *smooches* MMMWHA! BEAUTIFUL! I rewound, rewatched, could talk about it for hours.
Last four eps: WTF is this? And why am I so bored I want to turn off the TV and go to sleep?
Here's the deal, show. I watch for Sam and Dean. Jared and Jensen. They're a packaged deal to me. Been true since the pilot and that's not going to change anytime soon. That means I have zero interest in a whole ep about some other character. If it's a clever or funny idea, or it serves to progress the plot in some way or resonates for one of the Winchesters, you can normally hold my attention for one off ep. But that's it.
So when you do an ep like 8.04 ('Bitten'), I can be all wtf and bored, but I expect it to get back to normal in the next episode. When instead you spend all this time on some subplot character and relationships that occurred off-screen, and ask me to care? Newsflash: You are further BORING MY EYEBALLS OFF. If by the time it finally circles back to the brothers' issues and gives me just enough to gnaw on, you follow it up with sticking some funny character in the middle, you'll excuse me if a tad tired of this mindgame. When you then take the little bit narrative tension you've built and defuse it with another subplot that blows a crater into the major one at hand and literally takes over, I THROW UP MY HANDS. (Sounds like hyperbole? No, I really did throw up my hands at the tv).
Here's the thing, I've done this before with other shows. I watched Fringe for supa smart Pacey. Lost for Mutant Enemy writers. Veronica Mars for S1 nostalgia. Gilmore Girls for smart, kickass Gilmores. Four eps of boredom is normally my sign I need to stop watching 'cause what I'm watching for isn't what the show is about anymore. BUT GUYS. There are only TWO LEAD REGULARS IN THIS SHOW. This is not a weird glasses I'm watching this show with. It's not weird to watch for the two leads and be bored when four eps divert attention away from them. What IS weird is that they'd think something like that would be okay. In an EIGHTH SEASON.
So short story? Yes, I read
THIS letter posted by
cherry916. Yes, I agree with it. Yes, I'm signing it. And if you agree with that letter, I urge you to sign it to.
If you don't agree, no probs, you can just ignore it. I ignore tons of stuff in fandom I don't agree with, you can too. But for those of us who see the same damn problem of S7 happening right before our eyes all over again, it would be insane for us to sit back and do nothing. Again. They set up some really awesome things in the beginning of the season. I want to see them follow thru on that. In my eyes, setup and follow thru are the definition of a good TV season. So if I become concerned about it, I'm gonna want to do something about it.
And yes, it is because I love this show that I would support something like this. I gave up precious campaigning time (and/or sleep) to watch its new season. For anyone who knows how I felt about this prior election...well if that's not love, I don't know what is. I still believe in this show's ability to have more stories to tell and to tell them well. One need not look further than my recent meta for evidence of that.
P.S. Congrats to Kripke on Revolution's success and scoring Led Zeppelin (!!!) songs. Just imagining his insane glee over it is enough to bring a huge sappy smile to my face. Certainly not as cool as if we could have gotten them for SPN, but then again, maybe he might be able to score us one by the series finale now that Kripke's got an 'in'. Eternally hopeful, that is me. :D