"Am I zing enough?"

Aug 21, 2006 00:27



What gender do/would you like to fuck?female

Shaking up with any one?[Picture please.]


7+ Bands:MeWithOutYou,Death from above 1979,job for a cowboy,Lilu Dallas,play radio play,Horse the band.

5+ Movies:Shaun of the dead,Dawn of the dead [1970's],Super Troopers,Don't be a menaice.


Extra Shit

How'd you find us?[From a member, type username.]_small_figures_

Opinions got any? [optional: abortion; self-mutalation; relgion; etc] I have alot of opinions. Maybe you should ask me about them.

Make us laugh:


What do you think of the mods?TVpanda she's cute

Must answer these[ugliest and prettiest]!

Ugliest person here? ME?

Prettiest boy & girl here?_small_figures

Promote us 2+ times [Try and not let it be promoting communities] &once in your user info.ok...
dosi just made a lj ...so no friends.

Now, the Finale

Post 4+ pictures of you &your [hopefully] beautiful face.

Post a 150X200 picture, or near there, for the Members page.

idk how to resize sorry...no photoshop.

Last question, i swear.

Will you stay active?yes
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