Name|Age|Location:Kristen. 15. Catonsville, Md.
What gender do/would you like to fuck?Males please =]
Shaking up with any one?[Picture please.]Nahh, I'm single.
7+ Bands:
-Gregory & The Hawk
-Death Cab For Cutie
-Led Zeppelin
-Red Hot Chili Peppers
-Elliott Smith
-Jane's Addiction
5+ Movies:
-Jackass 2
-Half Baked
-Crazy Beautiful
-Grandmas Boy
-Uptown Girls
Color[s]: Green and Yellow.
Extra Shit
How'd you find us?[From a member, type username.] I saw you in a promo comm. and had to be apart of it!
Opinions got any? [optional: abortion; self-mutalation; relgion; etc]
My opinion on war is, Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!
Make us laugh: Im way funnier in person but umm..
What do you think of the mods? They seem fucking awesome! & they're pretty hot too.
Must answer these[ugliest and prettiest]!
Ugliest person here? AshleysaysRelax
Prettiest boy & girl here?
Prettiest Girl:123dollface
Promote us 2+ times [Try and not let it be promoting communities] &once in your user info.
uno Now, the Finale
Post 4+ pictures of you &your [hopefully] beautiful face.
Sorry, its a little high contrast I knoww. Whateverr.
Post a 150X200 picture, or near there, for the Members page.
Last question, i swear.
Will you stay active? Fo shooo.