Happy New Year

Jan 07, 2016 21:26

I come read things on LJ frequently, but rarely post anything these days. Lack of time, energy, and too many things going on that are no fun to talk about. So here is the mixed-bag catch-up:

1) Most recent movies I've seen were The Martian and The Force Awakens. I really liked them both, though I feel like I need to see SW:TFA again now that I'm done with the fangirl squeeing about a new SW movie that didn't suck.

2) After more than three years of trying to keep my mom in her house, I moved her into a residential care home where she will get the attention she needs 24/7 and it won't kill me in the process. I'm still working on getting her house cleared out and all the many & sundry things that need to be done. She's not completely happy about it, but it had gotten to the point that even she realized she couldn't stay in her home any more.

3) As a result of #2 I haven't done a very good job of taking care of myself and it's coming home to roost. I have very low iron and so now I'm getting infusions; still trying to figure out the cause so there are more doctor's visits in my near future. It was an ER visit for something else that turned up the really low iron. I had a transfusion while I was there which really made me feel better for a while.

4) Work is okay, fortunately. My company split into two separate entities so we will see what happens with that. But I have an incredibly understanding boss who is going through the same things with her mom that I am, and so she understands when something happens and I have to go.

5) This is not me, but it's family: my older sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now going through chemo for it. Fortunately (if you can say that about cancer) it is stage 1 and the doctor thinks that the chemo and radiation will knock it out. Fingers crossed. About the same time she started chemo her husband fell and broke his leg in two places, so they have been having a tough time of it.

6) Family has finally started to step up a little with the mom stuff. They'd been perfectly willing to stand by and let me make all the decisions and do all the work, while admonishing me to "take care of myself" though of course the two are pretty much mutually exclusive. All but the sister in #5 came to help over New Year weekend to clear out the house. Of course, they all went home with a load of stuff (one sister brought a big trailer), so it wasn't completely altruistic.

7) Am I excited about the revival of X Files? Betcher ass I am.

Anyway, best wishes to all still here for a great 2016. Waiting semi-patiently for January 24.
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