Pattern Making 101 - The Offset

Apr 24, 2006 14:17

( These series of tutorials are here to teach various techniques in making patterns. I in no way claim that this is the right, best or only way. Actually, I think my "teaching" ability stinks so if you lean something from this, I'll consider myself accomplished.)

The offset method is a great way to create a seamless pattern. You can use your own design or a preset shape.

The tutorial uses Paint Shop Pro 9 but the technique taught can be used in Photoshop and The Gimp.

Step 1:

Create a new document. For the sake of this tutorial, we will be making it 100x100 pixels with a transparent background.
You can make it bigger if you wish for more space and detail in your pattern.

Step 2:

Select your color Pallet. You could always make it a black pattern on a transparent background but for the sake of
this tutorial, we will choose a color pallet. This will be the pallet I will be working with:

Step 3:

Now that you have selected your pallet, you can begin drawing! I've decided on a little rosebud motif. (Hey, I never said I was an artist!)
Notice how I do not touch the edges of my canvas.

Step 4:

Once you have finished your design, it is then time to offset it.
Going to your Effects Menu in PSP, select the offset option.

You want to offset half the width and height of your document. Since our document is 100x100 pixels, we will then offset 50 and 50.
You also want to make sure you select wrap in order for it to work.

Step 5:

Now that you've off-set the image, fill in the blank spaces (without touching the sides of the canvas).

(Note:) I like to off-set it one more time to see and correct any seams in the design.

You're finished!

Step 6:

Now it is time to try out pattern out! Define your image as a pattern and flood fill a large document to see how it will look.

Preset shapes

The same technique can be done with a preset shape:

As you can see, your imagination is the limit to how many backgrounds/patterns you can create this way. So don't wait a moment longer and create something original today!

! tutorials

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